3 Daily Habits That Increase The Risk Of Depression

3 everyday habits that increase your risk of depression

Depression is a serious disorder, requiring the utmost attention. Unfortunately in some sectors the idea persists that it is a condition that should be managed by ignoring it, thinking that those who suffer from it are weak and also that, if they do not get out of it, it is because they do not try hard enough. They take it as a whim or an extravagance like many others.

This is very serious considering that depression does not “heal itself.” Quite the contrary: when its effects are not addressed in time, it can lead to  progressive deterioration and more serious diseases, both physically and mentally.

The style  of life is a definite factor to nourish or overcome depression states. Daily habits positively or negatively influence this condition. Some habits make you feel depressed more easily, while others allow you to reduce symptoms and improve your mood. We will talk to you about three of those habits that increase the risk of depression in a moment.

clocks in a field symbolizing the time of depression

1. Mismanagement of free time induces depression

Routine , especially if you live in a big city, can cause a huge emotional drain. Every day you are exposed to hundreds of stimuli, many of which are aggressive. In large cities there is an atmosphere of general stress. You hardly find a friendly face and everything goes by at high speed.

Hence, free time is not only a break time, but also a decisive space to maintain your good mental health. The problem is that the same frenzy of routine  often leads us not to know what to do with those lapses dedicated to leisure. Sometimes we simply direct them to seek stillness and confinement. It is true that this contributes to rest, but it also nourishes depression.

Ideally, free time allows you to oxygenate your body and mind. That includes entertaining activities that lead us to laugh and have a good time. This renews our physical and mental energy. It gives us vitality and optimizes the mood. The outdoors, nature, sports, or cultivating a hobby is the most advisable.

2. Sleep poorly

Nothing makes up for a good night’s sleep. While we sleep, we give the brain a chance to reorganize, rearrange, and filter information. Sleeping well is part of mental hygiene, but also of good health. Rest is essential to be able to function on a day-to-day basis.

Staying awake at night or sleeping poorly usually does not take long to affect our mood. One of the first manifestations of this is a certain hypersensitivity, which easily turns into depression. This is expressed as discouragement, irritability and lack of energy.

face of a man suffering from depression

Difficulties sleeping are due to difficulties that have not been resolved and that manifest as anxiety. At the same time, not getting adequate rest makes us more vulnerable and makes it more difficult to focus and solve problems. This forms a vicious cycle that easily leads to depression.

3. Neglecting personal appearance

One of the first manifestations of depression is carelessness in personal appearance. This is a sign of apathy towards oneself and the world. Sometimes these are one-off episodes, which resolve relatively quickly. Other times, however, they begin to consolidate as a constant attitude.

It is not about scrupulously worrying about the type of clothes we wear or the hairstyle we wear. The healthy thing is that the person simply takes a bath, puts on clean clothes, and looks basically neat. This also extends to the environment. That is to say, within appearance there is also room for the space in which we move and the objects that surround us.

When there is depression, both the appearance and the order of the place where we live or work take a second place. People put aside their basic grooming routines. Also, your objects and furniture are completely neglected. The reverse is also true. Taking care of ourselves a little and minimally organizing our space become factors that improve our mood.

Life is never without sadness and difficulties. It is important to take care of ourselves and protect ourselves, because otherwise there are times when negative feelings come to invade us emotionally. Not only do we lose interest in living, it also makes us sick. Adopting healthy habits and discarding harmful habits is always the best shield against depression.

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