5 Manifestations Of Envy

5 manifestations of envy

Envy is not a feeling,  but an unhealthy passion. Despite this, it could be said that no one in the world has been saved from feeling it. Human reality is like that. What happens is that some people allow themselves to be invaded by that passion and succumb to it. It is then when different manifestations of envy arise, all of them very harmful.

This passion is difficult to bear. It affects above all those who experience it more than the one who awakens it. It takes many forms and many of these manifestations of envy are subtle and difficult to detect. Sometimes they disguise themselves as attitudes that are apparently very well-intentioned.

One of the tasks that we all have in life is to learn to elaborate and dilute envy when it appears in life. For this, nothing better than to recognize it, first of all. These are some of those manifestations of envy that can seem otherwise.

1. The sarcastic note

The sarcastic note is one of the most common manifestations of envy. Sarcasm is defined as a type of mockery in which one thing is said to imply the opposite, or in any case, something different. They are two-way messages. Words say something, but their meaning is different.

woman making fun of her partner and showing manifestations of envy

The most common form of sarcasm  combines an aggressive message with a kind one. Like when someone says: “What a beautiful dress you are wearing, too bad you’ve gotten so fat.” Or phrases like “You did an excellent job, even though it had so many failures.” Finally the offense prevails. And it is an offense that is born of envy.

2. The direct shot

It corresponds to those types of people who do not use filters for the messages they share. His supposed sincerity often turns into rudeness. Also in ruthless criticisms , which they launch without any modesty, as if something gave them the right to do so.

They are the ones who say, “What an idiot you have been!” or “It’s sad to see the teeth you have.” They share  their opinion without being asked, and their appreciation does not add anything useful or new to the situation. That is why we point to those direct shots as one of the manifestations of envy.

yellow figures showing manifestations of envy

3. Sweet sadism

In general, “sweet sadists” are very nice people. They are attentive and personable, while doing something that ends up hindering your plans or putting obstacles in the way of  your goals. However, in their defense they always wield that it has not been intentional.

For example, you ask him for an important favor and the other, after committing himself, “forgets” it. Then they apologize to you and try to make you understand that their intention was not to harm you. Or those who, inadvertently, burn your dress or do not count on you to make an important decision, no matter how much it affects you.

4. Petty solidarity

This is one of the frequent manifestations of envy and it does a lot of damage. His favorite phrase is “I just want to help you.” It corresponds to those nosy people, who seek to know the intimacies or personal matters of others.

They are intriguing people. With the information they obtain, they create mysteries and entanglements that can generate a lot of confusion in the environment. Others are always aware of life, give advice without being asked, alert everyone to their possible enemies and end up creating unnecessary discomfort. What they carry inside is envy, plain and simple.

5. The one who compares and wins

This is one of the manifestations of envy typical of people who are very self-centered. They always compare themselves to others and always need to find a way to “win” in the comparisons they make. Put differently, they need to “beat” everyone by contrast.

Man with pride showing manifestations of envy

What happens then is that they notice your clothes, your car, your partner, your studies, everything about you. When you least expect it, they launch a comment that is aimed at minimizing the value of yours and exalting your own. They say things like, “I knew you had a problem with your boyfriend. It’s a shame. I never have a problem with mine. “

All these manifestations of envy are also expressions of insecurity. They occur because the person cannot see himself autonomously, but looks at himself through the lens of others. The achievements and satisfactions of others remind you of your emptiness and dissatisfaction. They do not stop suffering for it, hence, if we want to help them, we have to begin with the difficult task of understanding their suffering.

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