5 Movies To Understand The Minds Of Criminals

5 movies to understand the minds of criminals

Criminals are the protagonists of many films of all kinds. The evil characters cause fear, but also fascination among viewers. Their stories reveal that the human mind has enigmatic paths and that a monster also inhabits the human being that sometimes awakens and terrifies us.

Some of the tapes refer exclusively to the atrocities that can fit inside the minds of criminals and the actions they are capable of carrying out. Other films, on the other hand, delve into the motivations, the way of operating and the peculiarities of character of the criminals.

There are true classics about the mind of criminals. Some of these films provide important elements for understanding the human condition. They have everything to do with us, because, as a maxim affirms: “we are human and nothing that is human is alien”. Here we present five of those films that allow you to understand the minds of criminals.

Seven, the criminal obsessions

This is already a cult movie. It has an intelligent plot, in which almost the entire plot focuses on deciphering how the criminal mind of a murderer who calls himself “John Doe” (No Name) works. It deals with intolerance, expressed in religious convictions, which leads to heinous crimes.


A notable element of this film is the manipulation game that the criminal sets. A game that ultimately leads its pursuers to become victims. With this, the fanatical and intolerant murderer wins the game: he triumphs over reason.

The silence of the lambs

Also known as “The Silence of the Innocents” is already a classic. Based on the novel of the same name, it develops the idea of ​​two criminal minds pitted against each other. On the one hand, a dangerous convict, who is also a psychiatrist, and who becomes the key piece to understand the mind of a murderer that devastates the place.

On the other side is the murderer, whom the tape practically does not allow to speak: he is known for his actions, more than for his speech. It shows a subject with a serious personality disorder, who resorts to criminal actions to transform himself into someone other than what he is.

Zodiac, based on a true story

Zodiac highlights one of the most common traits among sociopathic or psychopathic criminals: the deep desire to manipulate others. It is based on the story of a serial killer who called himself “The Zodiac Killer” and who operated in San Francisco (USA).

"Zodiac" (2007)

This murderer mocked the authorities and defied them. He sent letters and encrypted messages to the newspapers. He enjoyed the idea of ​​playing with his contenders. This is a very common trait in different types of criminals. It gives them a feeling of omnipotence that satisfies their boundless narcissism.

Elite troop, breaking the law to enforce the law

It is a 2007 Brazilian film. It tells the story of a police captain who is tasked with pacifying one of the most difficult favelas in Rio de Janeiro. This man is going to be a father and must leave the police force, but first he has to find a replacement for his work.

This is how he dedicates himself to training two honest policemen that he fully trusts. However, when coming into contact with the harsh reality of crime in the favelas, the protagonists change. L or two honest cops were gradually become subject to criminal instincts. They are used to preserve order, using any means to achieve this objective.

 A clockwork orange

This selection could not miss a cult film such as “A Clockwork Orange”, based on a novel with the same name. It shows the story of an antisocial young man, who finds great pleasure in causing extreme pain to others. He leads a gang that is dedicated to committing misdeeds, for the simple joy of committing them.

mechanical orange

The story takes a radical turn when this criminal is arrested and subjected to behavioral treatment. This is intended to eradicate his taste for violence. Methods are used to generate aversion to crime, subjecting him to experiences that border on torture.

All of these films allow you to delve into the complex mentality of criminals. In this way, you increase the understanding of the modus operandi , the traits and the behaviors that define them. They are tapes to watch and comment on. To look at and digest. Suitable for those times when the dark side of the human being is perhaps more present than ever.

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