53 Motivational And Personal Improvement Phrases

Have you had a bad day? Do you have before you a challenge to meet? Then these motivational phrases will be that inspiring breath capable of giving you courage and transforming energies. Discover them!
53 motivational and self-improvement phrases

Motivational and self-improvement phrases can act like the wind that pushes the sails of our daily advancement. Everyone, at some point in our lives, needs words of encouragement, resources that inspire us to change, and also sources that make us believe in ourselves. The world of science, literature and art is full of interesting voices that can help us.

In times of change and difficulties, those words capable of infusing the mind and heart with transforming energy are more valuable than ever. Everyone undoubtedly has their mechanisms to ignite the engine of change, however, turning to that legacy left by culture and the voices of yesterday and now is always a good resource.

Let us discover, therefore, those advice, those reasonings and proposals of well-known figures from different disciplines that, without a doubt, will instill in us a good dose of encouragement and improvement.

Man looking at the sea thinking about motivational phrases and self-improvement

Motivating and self-improvement phrases

For motivation to be activated and allow us to improve our personal reality, it needs reasons. That is, no one will activate the mechanism of achievement and improvement if they do not first clarify what they want and what drives them, what they want and seek to achieve. It takes a perfect combination of enthusiasm, clear goals, and also strong everyday habits.

Motivational and self-improvement phrases can serve as little seeds of inspiration. The thoughts, advice and legacies of these figures in our history often act as trails that illuminate the mind to remind us what we fight for, what we strive for every day.

So let’s discover those ideas.

1. “Energy and persistence conquer all things.” (Benjamin Franklin)

Change, advancement and even happiness depend on that internal and highly valuable energy that is persistence. To activate it, you only need, as we have already said, a motive, self-confidence and firm commitments.

2. “Hope is the dream of awakened people.” ( Aristotle)

What is hope? It is the conviction that the things you want can happen. It is, in turn, clinging to that constructive feeling of people who look at life with open eyes, with a heart full of confidence and a definite plan in mind.

3. “Ideas don’t last long. You have to do something with them ”. (Santiago Ramón y Cajal)

A plan without an action is useless. An idea that is not translated into a concrete behavior to make it come true is neither useful nor valid. Let us dare to make our thoughts and proposals acts capable of improving our lives.

4. “What matters is not what happens to you, but how you react to it.” (Epictetus)

Epictetus is the philosopher most quoted in motivational phrases and personal growth. His proposals are impulses for change and reflection. So let’s keep it in mind, regardless of what happens to us and what surrounds us, there is the attitude with which we face it.

5. “He who spends time regretting the past, loses the present and risks the future.” (Francisco de Quevedo)

The important thing is to be able to focus on the here and now. After all, yesterday no longer exists and tomorrow has not yet happened.

6. “A goal without a plan is just a wish.” ( Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)

If you want something, transform it into a concrete plan and daily habits that allow you to achieve that purpose.

7. “The best time of day is now.” ( Pierre Bonnard)

Now is the most decisive moment to achieve what you want. Don’t put off your happiness or get caught up in indecision – act in the present.

8. “Your life shrinks or expands in proportion to your worth.” (Anais Nin)

Courage does not involve taking unnecessary risks. The person with courage is one who knows what he wants, who knows when to act and who does not hesitate to combine enough courage to give himself what he needs.

9. “Only he who tries the absurd is capable of achieving what seemed impossible.” (Miguel de Unamuno)

Every dream has something of madness and something of without reason. However, with effort, enthusiasm and courage the impossible becomes a reality.

10. “When you get up in the morning think about the privilege it is to be alive, to think, to enjoy, to love.” (Marcus Aurelius)

Sometimes we don’t realize it, but just being here and now, being alive, is the best gift we can have.

11. “The greater the difficulty, the more glory there is in overcoming it.” (Epicurus)

Among the motivational and self-improvement phrases, this one by Epicurus is one of the most interesting. Sometimes we have great challenges and tremendous challenges ahead of us. However, nothing is as satisfying as overcoming them and discovering what we are capable of.

12. “Life is not about finding yourself. It’s about inventing yourself ”. (George Bernard Shaw)

To find ourselves it is not necessary to go to India, go around the world or face a thousand challenges and challenges. In reality, the real key is knowing who you want to be and then making the change to create yourself.

13. “There are two ways to diffuse light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.” (Edith Wharton)

Not all people in this world know how to be light. If you want to grow as a human being and improve yourself, above all avoid being the reflection of anyone. Inside you there is an immeasurable energy destined to do great things and in turn enlighten others.

14. “Don’t be afraid to grow slowly; be afraid just to stay still ”. (Chinese proverb)

Growth requires action, going beyond the borders of fear, moving forward, backward, crossing limits and sometimes even falling. However, that is true happiness. What is put to it is stillness.

15. “You are the one who holds the keys to your being. You bring the passport to your own happiness ”. (Diane von Furstenberg)

You and only you are the key to change and the door that can lead you to well-being.

16. “It’s never too late to be who you could have been.” (George Eliot)

The platform of dreams to be conquered is always open for those who want to catch that train that they once let slip away. It is never too late to achieve that wish from yesterday that can give you the future you long for.

17. “With self-discipline almost anything is possible.” (Theodore Roosevelt)

Every goal is achieved with habits, routines, a good plan, and self-discipline.

18. “Always forget your enemies: nothing bothers them more.” (Oscar Wilde)

If there are people who stand in your way or who envy you, don’t focus on them. Focus all your resources on you.

19. “An intelligent person solves problems. A wise person avoids them ”. (Albert Einstein)

Albert Einstein can never be lacking in that legacy of motivational phrases and personal improvement. Remember, true intelligence is in avoiding problems, not creating them, and advancing our purposes.

20. “Never bend your head. Keep it up. Look the world straight in the eye. ” (Helen Keller)

Deafblind political activist, speaker and writer Hellen Keller offers us some valuable advice: don’t give up, look at the world without fear and never bend.

21. “The question is not who is going to let me, but who is going to be able to stop me.” (Ayn Rand)

When you have a purpose in mind, remember 1u3 there will be someone who wants to trip you up or make the road harder for you. May no one stop your dreams, may that internal goal allow you to advance above any adversary.

22. “They taught me that the path of progress was neither quick nor easy.” (Marie Curie)

Few examples of self-improvement and achievement are as inspiring as those of Marie Curie. Let’s keep it in mind, every goal requires effort and even sacrifices.

23. “To be successful, attitude is as important as skill.” (Walter Scott)

The great writer Walter Scott leaves us one of those motivational and personal growth phrases that are worth keeping in mind. Of all the things you wear, the one that will allow you to achieve what you want and face all difficulties is your attitude.

24. “Conformity gets you nowhere.” (Neil Strauss)

Conformity is the great enemy of progress. Disinfect it from your mind and you will go far.

25. “Everything you can imagine is real.” (Pablo Picasso)

Every feat, every great creation and achievement was born before the seed of a dream.

25. “We should use the past as a springboard and not as a sofa.” (Harold Macmillan)

That what happened yesterday does not limit your present, that the failure of yesterday is your motivation in the here and now.

26. “He who has a reason to live can face all the hows.” (Friedrich Nietzsche)

When you have motives, you don’t lack motivation. When you are clear about your reasons, you will no longer lack drivers to achieve what you want.

27. “Not wanting is the cause, not being able to be the pretext.” (Seneca)

There are people who give up their dreams because they affect the fact that what they wanted was not possible. However, sometimes, what lies behind is indecision and even fear. If you want something, you do everything you can to achieve it.

28. “Whoever transforms himself, transforms the world”. (Dalai Lama)

The most amazing changes start with individual transformations.

29. “It’s okay to celebrate success, but it’s more important to pay attention to the lessons of failure.” (Bill Gates)

Failures provide great learning lessons that we should all learn from. The steps back and even the falls are moments to gain more momentum.

30. “If you don’t act like you think, you’re going to end up thinking like you act.” (Blaise Pascal)

Among the motivational and self-improvement phrases, it is important to consider this one from Blaise Pascal. We are able to be congruent and act in tune with our thoughts and values. Otherwise, we will act by inertia, camouflaged with the great mass.

Man climbing a stone up a mountain representing motivational and self-improvement phrases

31. “Remember that you cannot fail to be yourself.” (Wayne Dyer)

Of all the things you should aspire to in this life, the main one is not to fail yourself. Whatever happens, never stop being yourself.

32. “From the smallest seeds grow the most powerful trees.” (Aeschylus)

Never underestimate the small acts or the most discreet and simple people, within us there is an immense power of growth.

33. “When there is no fear, there is happiness.” (Eduard Punset)

It is true that fear is another emotion in the human being and that as such it often guarantees our survival. However, well-being and even happiness always start from our ability to control fears.

34. “Put everything you are in the minimum you do.” (Fernando Pessoa)

Whatever you do, put all your enthusiasm, all your resources and will into it.

35. “Life is a shipwreck, but there are always lifeboats.” (Voltaire)

As bad as things go, always remember that there are exits that will allow you to stay afloat in the middle of the storm.

36. “The problem is that you think you have time.” (Buddha)

Buddha reminds us that we are that society used to postpone, to take for granted that we have an infinite life. However, we are finite beings and the best time to initiate change is always now.

37. “We know what we are, but we don’t know what we can be.” (William Shakespeare)

You are capable of much more than you think, you just don’t know it yet. Challenge yourself, look beyond your horizon and dare to reach higher peaks.

38. “Only one’s own and personal experience makes the person wise.” (Sigmund Freud)

All your experience, everything you have gone through in this life is your best ally so that you can achieve what you want. Your experience is your best gift.

39. “May you live all the days of your life.” (Jonathan Swift)

Live, act, transform your reality, love, feel, take a deep breath and take advantage of every second.

40. “My philosophy of life is that difficulties vanish when faced with courage.” (Isaac Asimov)

In the midst of all adversity, look within yourself: you have a dormant potential that will boost your bravery, your courage in the face of difficult days.

41. “The main cause of unhappiness is not the situation, it is your thoughts about it.” (Eckhart Tolle)

In every circumstance and moment of your life, your thoughts determine your state of mind. Take care of the garden of your mind, make sure that everything that grows in it is healthy.

42. “Fortune helps the bold.” (Virgil)

Good luck exists, it is true, but it comes with greater relevance and intensity to those who dare to be bold, to those who do not wait for the beatitudes to knock at the door.

42. “I will go anywhere as long as it is forward.” (David Livingston)

Wherever you go, always follow a direction, that of progress, that of that future you dream of.

43. “The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.” (San Agustin)

Traveling opens the mind, enriches us as people and allows us to relativize. Nothing can be as motivating at any given time as taking a trip.

44. “The pessimist sees difficulty at every opportunity. The optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty ”. (Winston Churchill)

Among the motivational phrases and self-improvement, this is still a classic. Churchill gives us valuable self-improvement advice: In the midst of all adversity, we must be able to see opportunities.

45. “I did not fail the test. I found 100 ways that didn’t work ”. (Benjamin Franklin)

Throughout our life, we will fail in many existential areas. But who has not made mistakes is that he has not lived or allowed himself to learn.

46. ​​”Being the first to do something requires courage.” (JM Darhower)

There are many peaks worth conquering. There are projects that deserve to be started even if they scare us, even if they are still unexplored territory.

47. “A day of worry is more exhausting than a day of work.” (John Lubbock)

Do you know how much energy we lose by worrying? Turn off your mind, turn on your motivation, and just take action.

48. “Live as if you were going to die tomorrow, learn as if you were going to live forever.” (James Dean)

Live with intensity, but with wisdom. Combine prudence with courage and you will achieve happiness.

49. “Nothing is lost if you finally have the courage to proclaim that everything is lost and that you have to start over”. (Julio Cortazar)

Let’s keep it in mind, sometimes an end is the beginning of a better stage. Sometimes a failure is the opportunity to do something better.

50. “The moment you get ready to change, it is amazing how the universe begins to help you and brings you what you need.” (Louise Hay)

Among the motivational and self-improvement phrases, Louise Hay could not be missing. Many of us have noticed it sometime, the moment we start a change, things happen around us that seem to facilitate that path.

51. “There are always flowers for those who want to see them.” (Henri Matisse)

Our reality is full of amazing details, beauties, opportunities and doors to cross. You just have to know how to see them, you just have to be willing.

52. “Only if I feel valuable for being who I am can I accept myself, I can be authentic, I can be true.” (Jorge Bucay)

Self-acceptance is the key to feeling valuable enough, to ignite motivation and achieve what we want. When you love and value yourself, you offer yourself what you need.

53. “To dare is to lose balance momentarily. Not daring is getting lost ”. (Søren Kierkegaard)

To finish our list of motivational phrases and personal improvement, it is worth remembering the words of Kierkegaard. Sometimes going beyond what is comfortable and safe can cause the world to reel under our feet. However, after that momentary tremor comes calm and later, the entrance to a more exciting and enriching life stage2

Let us combine courage, enthusiasm and self-confidence. Motivation is the engine that drives change and brings happiness. Let’s get it going.

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