6 Situations That Reveal The True Character Of A Person

6 situations that reveal a person's true character

Many people spend a lot of time trying to please others or trying to be the person they are expected to be. 

That is, they hide or cancel their true way of being for different reasons, having as a priority to like others.

It is a terribly tired way of life that is useless in the end, because sooner or later the true self behind so much pantomime will come to light, whether you are good or if you want to be tough.

And you don’t have to wait for extreme situations, no. Next, I am going to show you some very simple situations of our day to day, which will bring out the true selves of people.

If you want to really know someone, or know yourself, here you will find some litmus tests, are you ready?

Assemble an Ikea furniture or any other cheap kit-type furniture

Few things reveal the true being of a person like assembling an Ikea furniture or any kit furniture.

Seeing yourself surrounded by a lot of almost the same or slightly different pieces and modest instructions in -almost ridiculous- schematics, which seem in an uninvented language is still a test of nerves and self-control, especially if the work has to be done with someone.

Untangle a bundle of tangled cables

Who says cables says ropes, chains or anything else. Unraveling the cord of an electrical device to be able to use it or a gold chain to be able to place a medal around the neck is a very stressful thing that requires much more than skill with the fingers.

6 little situations that reveal a person's true character

Go to a waiter when he does not serve you or brings you the wrong order

Restaurants and cafes are a litmus test to get to know people. The way to call or claim the waiter says a lot about who is addressing them.

The stress created by waiting or craving for something that has gotten wrong makes you lose control and cause people to show up for who they are. Observe them.

Driving in sensitive situations

When we drive we are so aware of the road that we forget everything else. The fear of an accident makes any other idea nullify.

Situations such as waiting at a traffic light and that the one in front does not move when the green light turns on, recklessness of other vehicles or pedestrians, traffic jams (especially on hot days) or even small conflicts in the car (children fighting, people that speaks to you and does not let you pay attention to the GPS navigator, etc.) bring out the true character of a person.

Being with a dirty and / or disheveled child

Imagine a family or friend situation. Among the children, one appears stained up to the ears, another with hanging snot, a girl with a messy ponytail and another with a wound on her knees.

This, which seems like chaos, may remain ignored by more people than you imagine, including your closest relatives. What’s more, how they have their children, nephews, or grandchildren is clear evidence of people’s true character.

React when the look is spoiled

The way a person reacts when clothes are stained, tousled hair, or makeup or manicure is damaged will reveal that person’s true interest, especially if the culprit has a name.

disheveled look

These reactions can have very deep readings as to what that person really cares about, the respect they show towards others, and even their complexes.

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