7 Things That Happen When You Are The Older Brother

7 things that happen when you are the older brother

Having a little brother is something that only older siblings can understand. It is one of the best situations and relationships that we can live within our family nucleus.

Why? Because being the older brother means being the enemy and a role model, feeling discomfort while constantly feeling loved.

Being the older brother represents being next to an adult who sometimes takes you seriously or not, but always from the heart and that is not changed for anything. For all the older brothers and sisters, today I bring you the 7 things that happen when you are the older brother. Are you ready to feel identified?

1. When you are the older brother you become the best counselor

Brothers playing

After many discussions and misunderstandings, your brother finally realizes that the only thing you want is the best for him. Be your best version for him / her at all times and help him.

Parents will probably never understand it as well as you, their older brother or sister can. And then it makes you their best advisor or advisor. He himself gives you the freedom to be honest, tell him how they are, and be tough for his sake. You only look for their well-being and avoid bad drinks.

2. You are always expected to be a good example

Parents try to continually exert an image of responsibility. It is true that your little brother will have you as a reference, which implies a precious responsibility with the person you love.

3. You have the most intense fights that exist

It is normal that we can have some discussion with our little brothers when it comes to setting limits and personal space within our family.

We can dramatize a lot in them and say things with great strong connotations but, when they finish in 5 minutes nobody apologizes. Each of the brothers takes for granted the love that exists between them and words are unnecessary.

4. There is absolute honesty and sincerity

Happy teenage sisters

You can feel that you are cool and it sure is. But  your little brother is not at all afraid or reluctant to have to get off the pedestal if you need to. Looking at it like this, it is good to have someone in your life who will always tell you how they are and will be humble with you from the heart.

5. Family reunions are much better with your brother.

It is when your brother begins to become a mature adult that you enjoy the most together. You can finally have enough personality to be aware of family problems, arguments, jokes, and extraordinary situations in your family.

That’s when you sit close at family gatherings to laugh and tease the adults, lightening the day. Also, you don’t feel as much pressure when you’re in his company, which makes you feel like he’s your best friend.

6. You continually feel that you have gone through the same stage or experience

Brothers reading

It is true that each of us are unique and unrepeatable people, but the reality is that in the end we go through and live similar life experiences. Therefore, with your little brother, every major change he experiences you can perfectly recognize what he feels. And you think “I went through all that too, calm down.”

“Although you are different from me, my brother, far from harming me, your existence enriches mine.”

-Antoine de Saint-Exupéry-

7. You realize that he is no longer a child and is an adult person

And the day comes when you look at your brother, his relationships, work, dreams and say inwardly “he is no longer a child, he is a great adult person .” And you ask yourself all the past time and how people grow, both internally and externally.

Many emotions resonate in you at this precise moment, because you have been part of the growth of an extraordinary human being, your little brother.

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