Emotional Rebirth, The Art Of Coming Out Of The Abyss

Emotional rebirth is a process that occurs in various circumstances, but especially when we fall into a negative emotional state and we need to rebuild this universe about which we feel.
Emotional rebirth, the art of coming out of the abyss

There are times when we fall into a deep abyss. We hit that dead end, and we were left wondering what to do. Although at that moment we come to think that everything is lost, deep down we have the opportunity to embrace our pain and begin an emotional rebirth.

It is not a simple process, just as it is not fast. In fact we are going to need a little exercise of faith, just as we believe the indicators when we are driving on the road. Thus, the results will come after we make decisions and start working. In this article we will talk about it.

What is emotional rebirth?

To understand emotional rebirth, it is very practical to make an analogy with the phoenix, who was reborn from the ashes. It is a strong change on an emotional level, where the person regenerates their emotional space after something compromised them. So, it is like giving birth to a new relationship with your affective field.

Like the phoenix, the person takes flight after an event that could cause him great pain and suffering. So, see your anguish in a different way, and with courage find other directions. It consists of getting out of states that cause a lot of distress, to find oneself again, to manage emotions, thoughts and behaviors in a different way, to germinate, to have different motives, to achieve purposes, to see things differently, and to find an improvement after his circumstance.

Woman surrounded by beam of light

How to be reborn emotionally?

There are different ways, all of them smart, to manage suffering. It is not about making a “clean slate”, it is more about overcoming adversity using the resources we have. Sometimes it is not so easy to know what they are, so one of the first steps will be to identify them.

Navigate to the deepest

It consists of making use of self-knowledge. This involves being thoughtful, patient, and affectionate with us. Step by step we can discover what happens to us. Knowing it will make it easier to manage!

In addition, to know ourselves we can explore what we want to be, what we are at this moment, how far we want to go, how we want to do it. Knowing about these matters will help us to have an idea of ​​ourselves, and to follow what we really want.

Also, we can profit by recognizing what our strengths and greatest shortcomings are. Thus, we can use this information to face difficult moments and be reborn emotionally. On the one hand, knowing what we failed at helps us to anticipate repeating it, on some occasions; and on the other, knowing about our resources will help us keep in mind the skills to use when problems arise.

Learning in emotional rebirth

After the storm comes the calm, the saying goes. And, although it is not a matter that occurs by magic, it can happen. It consists of the tranquility that can arise after facing a painful situation. To do this, one of the most useful tools is learning, let’s see why:

  • It makes it easy to know what not to do next time.
  • It helps us heal.
  • Learning from what we didn’t do prepares us to know our limits.
  • To ask for help.
  • Get out of our comfort zone.
  • See different perspectives.
  • Greater awareness.

Learning to fall and get up will help us to get out of situations of great anguish. And, every time we will be able to acquire more knowledge to face future situations, after all in life difficulties will always arise.

Woman with a butterfly

Knowing how to say “Goodbye”, a key to emotional rebirth

It means not rooting ourselves to what has already happened, or what we could have done. To do this, you have to take advantage of the present moment. It consists of valuing the “here and now”. Staying stuck in the past leads us to continue with suffering.

So we must learn to let go. But it is also important not to rush into the future, as it can cause us anxiety. Sometimes it will be difficult for us, but if we anticipate the facts, we will not achieve an emotional rebirth.

Knowing how to say goodbye does not mean forgetting what caused us such suffering. It means embracing our anguish, learning from it and getting the best of ourselves to face what is coming. In addition, it is important to do so because if we add more and more loads, we will end up exhausted. Letting go of pain does not mean that it was not important, it means making our lives healthier, taking advantage of it as learning, and being able to flourish.

Resilience to face suffering

It is a skill that many have and others of us can learn to develop. It means adapting positively to adverse situations, how?

  • Being optimistic.
  • Learning from the situation.
  • Focusing on our motivations.
  • Finding a purpose.
  • Trusting in our strengths and abilities.
  • Accepting, because it is necessary to advance.

It is a way for adversity to make us stronger. So we transform pain into something that is pleasant to us. There are different ways, for example, through physical exercise, art, company, etc.

Resilience is so important that it has been studied through various investigations. For example, Uriarte Arciniega from the University of the Basque Country, wrote an article in which he shows resilience as a window to optimism and the capacity for adaptation and constant improvement of the human being.

Hand with yellow flower

Find a guide

While we can count on various resources that can help us through difficult times, there are times when we need someone. It is better not to lock ourselves in, either because we are ashamed to ask for help, or because we want to face it alone, even if we collapse.

Asking for help is not bad, that’s why we have different people. We could go to the closest and most understanding people, to comment on what distresses us so much and find a guide or simply because it helps us to let go. We could even go to a professional, because it gives us greater confidence, because we want to be in the hands of an expert, or because we do not know who to turn to.

This is another way to be emotionally reborn, orient ourselves towards the light thanks to the wonderful guidance of someone we trust. We need to be brave to show what we have inside, but it will be worth knowing that we have someone who will help us get up from great falls.

Benefits of being reborn emotionally

Emotional rebirth implies having given meaning to suffering, so that the story of it becomes part of our history without causing further suffering.  Let’s see what the benefits of this rebirth are:

  • Greater understanding.
  • Increase emotional management.
  • Greater resilience capacity.
  • It is easy to see from another perspective.
  • Acceptance.
  • Greater self-esteem.
  • Do not stagnate.
  • Live in the present moment.
  • Greater awareness.
  • Increase self-knowledge.

Now, it does not mean that we always transform suffering into joy. Other emotions may arise, which we will gradually identify and manage to release tension. Each emotion is important and provides us with learning. So, it is like a metamorphosis, we transform suffering into a different emotional state that serves as a starting point.

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