When Is A Relationship Not For You?

Relationships, on the one hand we need them and we like them. On the other hand, sometimes we are caught in a vicious circle. They are the two sides of love.
When is a relationship not for you?

Sometimes there are signs that tell us when we are in a bad relationship, but other times they are not so obvious or we refuse to see it while others seem to know what will end everything. It has happened to all of us on at least one occasion, and for others on more than one occasion.

Most of the time we refuse to see the signs that the relationship is not going well. Perhaps it is difficult for us to accept that we have made a mistake, we are terrified by the idea of ​​changing our life or, even, we are with that person out of grief. In any case, it is certain that we expect more from life, but not than we have now. The key question is, will it have a solution? Do we really want to fix it?

It is normal to have relationship problems, since not always everything is perfect. But we have to know when discussions or problems are within normal limits and when they cross the red line. That line that delimits a normal couple from a toxic couple.

How to really know when something is wrong with your partner

There are so many signs that when you stop to analyze them you realize everything. Like when you know deep down that something is not right or the relationship is not working at all. There is that recurring thought or voice that repeats itself over and over as you try to shut it up.

  • When you think about your future and you can’t imagine it with that person, it is a great indication that this person is not really the right person for you. Even if you tell yourself otherwise, you must realize how things really are. The problem is that sometimes we have unrealistic expectations that take us away from the reality of what is really happening.
  • Another important factor is that that person limits you in your development, your goals and ambitions. For example, it does not allow you to do things you want, it isolates you from your friends and family, it makes you work to study or work, etc. In short, if that person takes more than what they give you, it is a very bad sign.
  • Arguments go hand in hand with immaturity and poor ability to resolve conflicts. Does your partner constantly argue with you about everything? Does he yell at you, disrespect you, or worse? Without a doubt, this is something that you should not consent to under any pretext.
  • If your partner constantly brings out everything negative about you, letting you know that he wants you to change everything about you, it means that he does not accept you as you are. I probably wish you were someone you are not.
  • Another important issue is not to share projects, objectives, goals and values ​​in common. If you do not share anything about your partner, beyond intimacy, that relationship will not have much future, unless one of the two changes radically. Although this is a utopia …

In short, there are endless ways to know when something is wrong in the relationship.

Is it worth working to improve the relationship?

It is clear that in all relationships there are good and bad aspects. However, if the bad far outweighs the good, it is time to stop and reflect deeply. Is it really worth it? What do you gain by maintaining the relationship? Comfort, avoid uncertainty? Finally, what would you gain by ending the relationship?

In many cases, it is clear that it will be worth working to improve things, especially if you share important commonalities, values, etc. All relationships go through good and bad spells. If yours is just a losing streak, you can still work to improve the relationship.

If you are in a toxic relationship, the best you can do is end it, since it hurts you, your partner and everyone around you, since if your family and friends see you suffering, they will not feel comfortable with the situation. . Especially because they will see you suffer.

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