5 “habits Of People With Anxiety

5 "habits" of people with anxiety

There are parts of your personality that really are not, they are attitudes or “habits” that appear and are maintained as a result of anxiety and that tend to mix with your true personality. This mix can be dangerous and can even make you seem weird or impolite, making your life more difficult when other people judge you based on those actions, without really getting to know what’s inside your head.

Below I propose an analysis of these habits. I do it because knowing them can help us better manage our anxiety and emotions, bring out the best in ourselves and show our true personality.

1.- Apologize for everything

People with anxiety have the feeling that they are always making others uncomfortable or that on the contrary they have to constantly satisfy others and therefore they apologize for everything. They apologize for everything and nothing, constantly and it seems like it is a habit that they cannot control.

The true discomfort of other people comes from this habit, which, like many habits, is unhealthy and annoying. It is uncomfortable not knowing what to answer to a person who apologizes for something unimportant, even for everyday situations that are out of their control.

affective loss woman

2.- Take it all very personally

This habit is closely linked to the previous one. When something is said to them or something is pointed out to them, they think about it a lot. They can think about it for an entire day and at all hours, expanding it so much that, however small it may be, it ends up being intrusive and annoying … when it was just an innocent comment. Nothing beyond.

This tends to degenerate into a vicious cycle. They are anxious and nervous about that comment and thinking about it only contributes to that anxiety being maintained over time. To scare away these thoughts, they can choose a deception of behaviors, such as thanks or apology. Something, which in turn, can make them feel ridiculous and more anxious.

3.- Leave sites or leave conversations in the middle

Many times anxiety can take the best of people and generates in them a habit of avoidance or flight when they feel a threat, that the situation overwhelms them. Another consequence of anxiety is that it  causes the person to focus on her and what causes her anxiety, completely abstracting herself from the rest of the stimuli in her environment, such as a conversation.

It’s not that people don’t appreciate company. It’s just that  anxiety overwhelms them  and the best solution they find is to leave the site or think about something else, even if this projects the image that they are rude people.

4.- Fantasize and think about the worst possible scenario

This is a habit that causes more anxiety. Although at certain times in our lives or in certain situations we have all thought about the worst possible scenario, people with anxiety have a habit of overestimating the probability of the worst possible scenarios. Being constantly at the worst can have physical and psychological consequences, chronic fatigue and when it comes to people, make relationships very difficult.

They believe that anticipating the future protects them and prevents anxiety, but it is the other way around, it generates more fear, uncertainty and enhances anxiety because they focus only on the bad, they do not enjoy anything and that bad scenario ends, many times, becoming a reality.

Woman thinking

We can look at situations with caution and evaluate them as much as possible, but we have to be clear that we cannot predict the future or know what is going to happen and that avoiding situations does not protect us from them, it only limits us to enjoy things, people and life.

5.- Take a long time to make decisions

People with anxiety tend to analyze situations down to the smallest detail, making it almost impossible for them to make a decision. This even if it is a simple decision and where there are no good or bad decisions, such as what to wear that day or what to eat. This “habit” can not only affect these people, it can affect them in their jobs, in their partner or with their children.

Making decisions can generate anxiety for anyone, we are all afraid of being wrong, but the habit of over-analyzing things to the smallest detail and avoiding making decisions tends to generate more anxiety than deciding, perhaps making mistakes and rectifying.

We cannot escape or delegate many of the decisions we face. Deciding is thus a daily act whose result will be mediated by different variables. Some of them we will not control, such as luck, but there will be others that will, such as attitude, and it is on them that we have to focus our work.

Bad habits generate and feed anxiety

What I have tried to show with this article is that, sometimes, the bad habits of anxious people can generate more anxiety.  Thus, just as knowing the situations is the first step to avoid them, it can also be useful to speak openly about this anxiety when it approaches us, so that others can help us.

trick for anxiety

Thus, another important element in these situations and habits is that it is not necessary for them to be faced alone. People with anxiety, like many other people, believe that no one can help them with their problems or cause them trouble to ask for help. Nothing could be further from reality, by sharing how we feel we will prevent others from making wrong hypotheses about what happens to us and we will facilitate them to show understanding.

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