In A World Where Nothing Is Safe, Everything Is Possible

In a world where nothing is safe, everything is possible

We come into this world with the innocence of someone who knows nothing and expects everything. Our parents are the ones who guide us with more or less success in those beginnings where the future seems almost perfect. Like satin of a thousand colors and reach of the fingertips. When we are little, we live in a world where we believe that anything is possible.

However, as we grow older part of that spell is breaking. The first disappointments arrive, and we understand what it means to become an adult. Nobody offers something for nothing, and nobody guarantees that we will always be happy.

There are those who walk on their vital path taking care not to leave those marks, those fences that others have created for them. It is those patterns with which they have educated us, it is also the need to meet certain expectations, not to disappoint, not to fail other people …

Sometimes we just live lives predetermined by others because that way we feel more secure. However, no one can be happy feeling the chains of others, living the life that others have in mind. Hence, it is worth remembering that everything is possible as long as you allow it yourself. We invite you today to reflect on it.

Everything is possible for those who are free from internal battles

girl with heart knowing that anything is possible

Each of us has our own personal story. At this point in life, you may have already written more than one chapter of disappointments, failures, and even disappointments.

We could perhaps say that second chances are only available to those who believe in them. For their part, all those who close their hearts with the seal of bitterness and resentment, are selling their own personal growth, and the opportunity to be happy again.

Our learning history can anchor us to bitter experiences that keep us from moving forward. However, if we learn to free ourselves from these knots that tie us to the past, we will open life to a horizon where everything is possible. In a world where nothing is certain, anything can happen. So opening ourselves to new experiences will be a path of learning and personal enrichment.

Have faith in yourself again

The world is complex, in fact it is so complex that it likes to be quite unfair from time to time. However, we must not fall into the error of attributing everything that happens to us to those external wills that destiny marks.

  • The world may be complex, but only you are responsible for spinning that skein and weaving the mantle of your life.
  • Among all the chaos you have experienced, among all those disappointments, it is very possible that at some point you will stop believing in yourself.
  • People stop believing in our abilities and courage when our thoughts become noise, out of tune music charged with negative emotions.

How can we re-harmonize those thoughts? Changing the attitude, changing that limiting attitude and that negative charge, becoming aware of ourselves. Accepting these thoughts and seeing what we can learn from them. Because, although it seems impossible, you learn from everything, even from the bad. The great spiritual masters assure that from everything that happens to us, we can draw learning.

You are living a difficult time. But you are not your pain, you do not deserve to live chronically in the world of disappointment and despondency. Feed new illusions, open interior doors to find that key that collapses exterior walls. Look inside yourself and you will realize that you are not your destructive thoughts or your negative emotions.

woman looking at a clock knowing that anything is possible (1)

Images courtesy of Anne Julle-Aubry

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