5 Questions To Start A Good Relationship

5 questions to start a good relationship with your partner

In these days where countless television programs and news lead us to bear in mind the need to have a partner, many of us unconsciously allow ourselves to be influenced by the social wave of fashion. But the beautiful human need to be able to enjoy a good relationship at least once in our lives is also well known So many times we wonder how to start a relationship. Here we suggest 5 questions to start a good relationship. 

When that magical desire to start a beautiful love story invades us, few of us ask ourselves some questions before taking the first steps. It is quite logical, healthy and intelligent to carry them out using as a reference and guide the experiences in the past already lived. With this, we will avoid making the same mistakes and will motivate new results, which may be much more positive, of a higher quality and affective warmth.

5 questions to start a good relationship with your partner


1- Have you emotionally overcome your last relationship?  The first of the 5 questions to start a good relationship could not be other than knowing if we have overcome our past. The most convenient thing when starting anything we want or want to carry out in our lives is to go step by step . Obviously when starting a new relationship you have to be sure of having overcome the previous relationship and not leaving fringes without working or ending. This will allow you to have a calm head and heart .

It is true that we do not all overcome a relationship in the same way, but surely you will agree that it is necessary and essential to arrive ” clean ” of past grudges, emotions and feelings to your new relationship. 

A new beginning 

2- Do you really want to start a new relationship? One of the most typical mistakes when starting a relationship is not being really prepared for it, letting ourselves be influenced by our social circle or simply wanting to be with someone just because we don’t feel alone.

This question is necessary if you want to become aware of your person, your interior and your true needs when it comes to committing to the heart of another person. We must be as honest as possible, take into account the pros and cons, understand and understand your current situation and that of the other person. Take time to really know his / her needs and desires, what they are like inside, what they are looking for in your heart …


3- Do you really have time for a new relationship?  All relationships demand time and emotional energy, and more a commitment of couple. It is good to keep in mind that the first stage of our relationship will demand a lot from us in every way.

It is also healthy to be confident that we are both willing to take the time to achieve emotionally unique bottom-line results. If your answer to this question are doubts, “what if …” or you are simply not willing, it is probably not the time to start a new relationship. Give yourself time, everything comes when it has to.


4- Do you fully trust that person?  A relationship is built between both people, it is not just one. The best relationships have a foundation where trust, love and respect are the stars that must constantly shine and rarely be absent. It will be necessary for both of you to take these three ingredients into account and for them to be worked on every day.

To do this, asking ourselves if we really trust the person with whom we want to build a healthy and true relationship is essential. When there is mistrust, then there is practically what we call a relationship does not exist .


5- Is it really love?  This last question is one of the most difficult to answer when we are thinking about starting a new relationship. Relationships start from totally different origins.

It can be born of friendship, passion, simply connection or affinity between both people. Ask yourself and make sure with a reflection the origin and background of your true feelings. It is necessary to be sure of what our heart feels and not just let ourselves be carried away by physical attraction, friendship or a simple illusion of the moment.

It is true that the experience of each one is the greatest learning and guide that we can have when starting the fascinating and precious project that a relationship implies. Take into account your life and the tools learned in past commitments, this will help you to be clear about your love and to start a new courtship.

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