5 Secrets Of People Who Suffer From Anxiety

5 secrets of people who suffer from anxiety

Anxiety is one of the emotions that people suffer the most. This together with stress becomes a condition that causes us a feeling of discomfort that is difficult to leave behind.

When you feel a threat, when you visualize something in a negative way, when you see yourself pressured, concern approaches you with the desire to be able to deal with that problem in the best way.

Anxiety is a normal reaction, but it holds many secrets. People who experience it do not have a good time and the worst thing is that they are not understood by those who do not suffer from this problem.

1. They need compassion

girl with elephant

People who suffer from anxiety are sometimes seen as crazy people. Because of this, they feel misunderstood and don’t know who to turn to to vent.

It is a natural problem that often has no explanation. I suffer from anxiety and I don’t know why, since several factors can influence our daily life. This is why a person suffering from anxiety needs compassion. Someone who can listen to her without judging her, without reproach, without criticism.

You do not need to understand it, because if you have never suffered from this problem it will probably be very difficult to put yourself in their shoes. But, make sure he knows that you are there, that he has you by his side. That, although it may not seem like it, will help you a lot.

2. They cannot escape what is attacking them.

If what causes us concern corners us and we cannot escape from it, how can we get out of that situation that only increases our nervousness? Think that the person suffering from anxiety has not chosen it. This comes from a series of factors that persecute and corner her, generating this state that very few manage to understand.

No matter how much they try to escape, it is impossible. Nothing frees them from this sensation that haunts them like their own shadow wherever they go. The solution? They must face what causes them anxiety. Escape is not possible, just find where the problem is, find it and try to fix it.

The inability to escape anxiety is a lack of coping resources. That is why it will be so important that you consult with a professional how to deal with situations that exceed them. The person suffering from anxiety feels that the situation has overtaken him and he cannot do anything. However, it all depends on acquiring a series of tools, techniques and skills that will help to face the situation in a more adaptive way.

3. Even the simplest saturates them

stairs in the air

Anxiety steals energy and when the moment comes its power becomes so great that even any little thing saturates the person who suffers it. It is normal that sometimes we feel overwhelmed, but faced with something small that should not cause even a minimum of stress is not usual.

Why does this happen to people who suffer from this problem? Because they are so surrounded by this emotion that, since they cannot deal with it, it absorbs them.

The mind of someone with high levels of anxiety is like an erupting volcano. Everything we throw into the crater will be thrown out. No matter how small the stimulus or event you experience, it has the potential to cause more anxiety. Only when your mind becomes calm and serene, the external will cease to awaken so much reaction in the individual.

4. They worry about ridiculous things.

People who suffer from anxiety just like anything small that puts them in a state of incredible worry, seemingly insignificant details also affect them.

That should not happen, but since they live surrounded by constant worries, what they do is anticipate events, visualizing what may happen. The fear of anxiety causes what you are visualizing to be quite negative. This only causes anxiety to be drawn to these thoughts.

They really can’t help it and so they need people who can be understanding. They are always ahead of events and that causes a call to anxiety that is nothing more than a preparation for that fear of which they are very aware.

5. Your fears are real

The fears that cause anxiety in some people may seem incredible to us , but even if you are not able to understand or share them, it does not imply that they are not real. Of course, these fears  are very real. It is real in your mind and it gives you that reaction that you cannot get rid of.

People who suffer from anxiety when they encounter their fears think that they cannot control them. In fact, it is their fears that control them, causing them this feeling of constant worry that they fear so much.

If you suffer from this problem, you will know perfectly well that if you think that you cannot control a situation or overcome a fear, this will be the case. Everything you create, whatever your mind thinks, will come true.

houses in the air representing anxiety

Don’t allow this. Learn to understand people with anxiety and yours if you suffer from it. Never escape from what causes it, try to know what causes it! Only then can you begin to solve and face your fears. Are you ready for this?


Images courtesy of Christian Schloe and Surreal art

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