This Is The Body Language Of A Man In Love

This is the body language of a man in love

We know that men, on average, are somewhat more reserved when it comes to expressing their feelings. Although this is not as severe as decades ago, there are still many who feel very clumsy in emotional language. This is one of the reasons why body language is important: it reveals what the other is not able to put words to.

The truth is that people are constantly communicating. Sometimes we do it with words, other times using other means. In fact, through mimicry we can know much more about someone than if we stick to their words. In this sense, the body language of a man in love seems to have some peculiarities that we will describe from now on.

Non-verbal language is more sincere , but in many moments perhaps also more ambiguous (to a large extent it depends on the eyes of the beholder). On the other hand, love is one of those feelings that, because they are intense, sometimes block our dialectics, the same not happening with the body. These are some of the signs that the body language of a man in love offers us.

The look is always revealing

Both in them and in them, the famous glow of love usually translates into the look. When you see something that you like, that attracts you, your eyes shine more. The focus is on what interests you so much and this causes the tear glands to be stimulated more than usual. That is why the singular brilliance appears.

It is not the only thing. One of the most revealing elements in the body language of a man in love is the fixed gaze. The one that follows you wherever you go. The one that looks for you when you walk away and get confused in the crowd. A look that is directed nowhere else, while you stay, come or go.

There is still another aspect of the look that acts as an informer: it looks at your lips. It doesn’t matter if you’re talking or if you’re quiet. In the body language of a man in love, these kinds of looks say it all.

boy smiling symbolizing the body language of a man in love

The body language of a man in love appears on the face

Besides the look, there are also other facial gestures that reveal a man’s interest. For example, raising the eyebrows. If he raises his eyebrows a little frequently when he’s with you, his face says : I’m interested in you.

The same happens with the smile, a gesture that is also present in women with the same meaning. When there is love, what prevails on the face is that “silly” smile that seems impossible to erase. It is spontaneous and constant. It is born from the feeling of liking the company and is an expression of the well-being that being together with the other person generates.

It is also common that when a man likes you, he ends up imitating your facial gestures without realizing it. He thinks that what is admired is imitated, what is taken as a reference. And in his desire to identify with you, he will not notice that he reproduces the expressions on your face.

boy looking at girl symbolizing the body language of a man in love

Other telltale gestures

When a man is attracted to you, he will show various unconscious gestures related to his personal appearance. Hair will be accommodated, for example. Also, without paying attention to it, it is usual for him to adjust his tie, or jacket, or something in his clothing when he sees you enter. It is a way to prepare to be attractive in your eyes.

Another very frequent gesture is to rest his hand on the small of your back, as if he were leading you. Deep down, it can be considered an atavistic gesture, related to possessiveness. In the love of a couple there may be more or less amount of this ingredient and a masculine gesture that gives it away is that hand gently touching the waist.

You will notice that when he talks to you, he tends to lean towards you. If he is standing up, especially when they meet, he will throw his shoulders back, put out his chest and stand up. It is an empowering position. He prepares to go for what he wants. If you are sitting down, at a dinner party, for example, he will play with a napkin or cutlery, in the short periods when he is not looking at you.

The body language of a man in love in many cases responds to the prototype that we have described. What it reveals is attraction, admiration and interest. You know that he really loves you when he listens to you, supports you, and is capable of being sensitive to your wants and needs.

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