Happiness Is Not Born From Inertia, But From Movement

Happiness is not born from inertia, but from movement

We all want the day to come when we close our eyes, take a deep breath and a pleasant feeling of well-being invades us when we think that what runs through our body, apart from blood, is happiness. Who does not like to feel good and have happiness furrowing the pores of your skin?

The problem is that happiness does not come overnight or break into our lives as if it were a miracle. Being happy is more than just waiting and settling, it is about deciding, acting and building using your own values ​​and motivations as foundations. Happiness is an internal state. That is the key.

The inactivity trap

Thinking that we are unhappy because happiness does not come into our lives is a very common thought, as is asking the question when am I going to be happy? The point is that this state does not depend less on time, external conditions or luck than on us. What we do to achieve it.

According to Sonja Lyubomirsky, PhD in psychology and researcher of happiness,  50% of our ability to be happy is influenced by our genetics, 10% by external factors and 40% depends on what we think and what we do. So the weight of our thoughts and actions is 4 times greater than what we cannot control. Thus, there are no excuses to work for our own happiness.

Woman thinking of happiness while walking in the field

In this way, if we are not happy as we live now, most likely we will not be later, unless we do something to change it. Complaining is not the remedy or the bridge that leads to well-being, it is simply the trap that anchors us to apathy or discomfort.

That tempting inactivity to which we are accustomed does not do us any good. And here there are no excuses, if we want to be happy, action is our rescue. Because do we really think that by acting in the same way that makes us feel bad, we will at some point be happy? So far doing more of the same does not produce different results, so why obsess over it?

What is being happy for you?

As we have seen, to be happy a very important factor that we can learn to control is our thoughts. In addition, of them the one that has the most prominence and the one that will largely determine whether or not we are happy is our concept of happiness.

What is happiness for you? What is happiness for him or her? What is happiness to me? These are very general questions, but one that is often not asked seriously. The problem is, if we don’t even do it, how are we going to know when we are happy? Even at the expense of making a mistake in the answer, it is necessary to do it at least.

Once raised, there are several ideas that we have to take into account, such as that happiness is not what we feel when we buy a car or a house, it has little or nothing to do with the material beyond having some covers. basic needs. In this sense, the sensation that the material provides, although it is pleasant, is still materialistic. Because it is not about quantity, but about quality or quality.

Happiness is not a smile, although it helps to build it. Nor do we live as if nothing worries us, but rather the ability to face reality and build what is good for us without causing damage or injury. In short, without crossing the line of considering others only as means or instruments.

Feet of a girl surrounded by flowers

If you want happiness in your life, make decisions

Now, it is not enough to wish to be happy but to do something to be so. This is the most important. Because being happy depends on us, what we think, what we do, how we feel and ultimately our decisions. It is our will in motion.

So we choose whether to live being the protagonist of our life or, on the contrary, to observe it as a spectator. The first option will bring us closer to well-being, the second to the role of victims. It depends on us. Each and every one of our decisions leaves the footprints that make a path.

But something that we cannot forget is that happiness requires courage, enough courage to face our fears, those that move so well in shadows sheltered from  uncertainty. In addition, we will not be happy if we do not believe we deserve it, so it is very important to believe that this possibility exists. Because being happy is an attitude, a state that is cultivated from within, in movement.

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