5 Questions To Know If You Really Love Yourself

If you love yourself, emotions and life in general tend to balance. Self-esteem makes your plans and your relationships more fluid. Also that you are stronger and more prepared to take on the successes and the mistakes.
5 questions to know if you really love yourself

If you love yourself (self love), life becomes easier. Partly because self – esteem is closely related to self – esteem and l to self – esteem is a fundamental pillar to enjoy mental health. However, the esteem that one professes is not something that remains unchanged. There are moments and stages in which we are more given to loving each other and others in which it is difficult for you to see your good side.

When you love yourself, life flows with more meaning. In addition, it is more likely that you are correct in your choices and that relationships with others gain in fluidity. Therefore, if things are not going well, it is important that you ask yourself what the relationship you have with yourself is like.

There are some questions that can help you assess whether you love yourself enough for that love to help you. They are a guide and do not cover all aspects, but they do cover the most essential. Through them you can make a general review of the way you perceive yourself and treat yourself. Five of those questions are as follows.

1. Do you accept your flaws and limitations?

Accepting yourself is understanding that you make mistakes and that you have flaws and limitations, but not getting angry or upset, or ashamed about this. It is not that you are conformist, but that you have no problem admitting that, like other human beings, you are someone who is in the process of growth.

Self-acceptance is evidence that you love yourself, or at least that you give yourself the opportunity to do so. To take advantage of it, you need to first get to know yourself. Also have a realistic, comprehensive and broad vision about the human. It implies not comparing yourself with others, but recognizing and giving value to your own history and your own peculiarities.

boy before tree symbolizing that you love yourself

2. Do you value your virtues and achievements? A key to know if you love yourself

As important as identifying flaws and limitations is recognizing strengths and achievements. Above all, give them their fair value. This value does not depend on the judgment of others, but on your own evaluation of what they mean. Only you know how much effort you have invested in achieving what you have. Only you know how much you have grown.

Pride in what you have achieved with your effort is proof of what you love yourself. That pride is not vanity  or arrogance, but a feeling of dignity that is born from an objective and serene perception of who you are. Valuing yourself is not boasting, but feeling worthy of respect and appreciation.

3. Do you understand and forgive yourself for mistakes?

The subject of understanding and forgiving our mistakes is not as easy as it seems at first glance. It becomes simple if what is at stake is not decisive or if others do not place greater emphasis on the mistake. On the other hand, when a mistake leads us to an important consequence or those around us lash out at us, it is no longer easy to forgive ourselves.

Nobody likes to make mistakes, even though they are the ones that allow us to grow. The truth is that we would like to do it and say it all well. But that is not possible. If you love yourself, the process  between the recognition of the mistake, the annoyance for having made it and the process of acceptance, learning and forgiveness will be easier .

Boy looking at birds symbolizing that you love yourself

4. Do you allow yourself to express your feelings, even if they upset others?

We have all met someone who has questioned how we felt. We have witnessed how our fear, our sadness was questioned and judged. It is even probable that we have also fallen into this temptation at some time.

If you love yourself, doubt or criticism from others will not prevent you from expressing what you feel. You will understand that you have  the right to manifest what is in your inner world and that if others do not accept it, or do not tolerate it, they have the problem and not you.

5. Do you take care of your body and your mind?

One of the clearest manifestations that you love yourself is that you take actions to care for and preserve your body and mind. Actions such as being attentive to your nutrition, exercising, practicing meditation, doing sports, reading, having fun, etc.

When we appreciate ourselves, we are more likely to build a lifestyle that works for us. We attach importance to work, but also to rest. To the goals, but also to leisure. To professional development and also to our social and emotional relationships.

Human beings are dynamic and we have constant ups and downs. Self-esteem rises and falls as well, but when we work to strengthen it, it remains at adequate levels. It is worth the effort because it is so. This makes our life more peaceful and fulfilling.

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