5 Keys To Combat Boredom When Studying

5 keys to combat boredom when studying

There will always be some subject that does not interest us in the least, but that we have to learn: either because it is necessary for our work or it is part of the specialization that we have chosen. In this sense, studying something that we do not like or that is very tedious can generate boredom. However, there are some keys to combat boredom when studying.

When we study something that we don’t like, it seems inevitable that we get bored. There may be many dates, authors or theories involved that do not interest us, but that we have to learn. In this sense, boredom  can lead us to procrastinate and leave school until the last minute, which will generate a lot of stress and anxiety. To avoid all this, we recommend some strategies.

1. Let’s ignite our curiosity

One way to combat boredom when studying is to arouse our curiosity. Curiosity helps us learn relatively easily and is one of the worst enemies of boredom. In fact, if it is awake, it is more unlikely that something will appear that distracts us.

Let’s imagine that we have had to study Quevedo, but the syllabus explains everything in a very linear and boring way. What we can do is look for a video, be interested in what happened in his life or, best of all, go directly to what he wrote. Surely there is something that catches our attention, that does not put in the books and that will encourage us to know more.

Doll with a book

2. Let’s study in a group

Although in many cases individual study is almost essential, studying in a group will be a way not to get bored. In fact, the study may even be more enriching. Let’s imagine, continuing with the previous example, that someone in our class loves Quevedo. We can benefit a lot from this if we stay to study in a group: we can ask you questions and solve some of our doubts.

The study group is also a way to motivate yourself to study. If we agree, for example, that tomorrow we all take the subject studied first, this will put pressure that will help us not to procrastinate.

3. Let’s move while we study

A good way to combat boredom when studying, in addition to enhancing the assimilation of knowledge, is to move. You’ve probably met a lot of people who tend to study aloud while walking from one place to another.

This activates us and avoids the drowsiness that we can feel if we are sitting without moving for a long time in one place. A basic degree of physiological activation will ward off the feeling of drowsiness, at the same time that we favor the retention of new concepts.

4. Let’s set small goals with rewards

Another way to combat boredom when studying is to motivate ourselves with small goals. For example, if we have to study the equations of the first degree we can tell ourselves that we will not get up from the chair until we do well.

Once we’ve accomplished this,  we can reward ourselves for the time we’ve spent on that little goal and the success we’ve achieved. We can go for a run, take a little walk or eat a piece of chocolate, better if it is black. Then we can move on to another goal, for example, quadratic equations.

girl leaning on a pillar and using a computer trying to fight boredom while studying

5. Let’s get creative

The last of the keys to combat boredom when studying is to use creativity. This will make the study session more fun. If there is something that we cannot learn, such as a war if we are studying history, we can use a post it to keep it in mind and not forget it.

We can also make a song or try to remember a part of a topic as if it were a story. In addition to this, underlining can help us combat boredom when studying. There are many alternatives.

How do you fight boredom when studying? Have you put any of the above options into practice? Studying something we don’t like can be difficult, but we can always do something to change it. Perhaps, among the mentioned keys, we will find the one or those that will help us to study better and more effectively from now on.

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