The Biggest Sin You Can Commit Is Not Being Happy

The biggest sin you can commit is not being happy

Greed, envy, arrogance, lack of solidarity… all of them can be considered as terrible sins, but there is no one greater than that of not being happy. Life is too short to tiptoe through it, suffering, complaining and being miserable.

It is up to you what you do with the time allotted to you. Now, think carefully if you want the years that you are going to enjoy in this world to be a beautiful story of overcoming, love and friendship, or a sea of ​​tears and constant suffering.

You can’t be happy always, but almost

I don’t want to be cynical, but I don’t want to be innocent either. Perhaps you cannot be happy at all hours of the day, because things always happen around us that disturb the tranquility, the climate and life in general. That goes without saying.

However, if I can propose that you take stock. In this case, the exercise consists of a look at your past. Look carefully at all the years of your life, from the moment you are conscious, until this very moment. What do you see?

Woman with many butterflies

There are many appreciations that you can make when you make a well-weighted balance on your life. However, if the end result is that, despite the bad and hard times, the misfortunes and heartaches, and even the complications and challenges, you have been happy, you will not be committing the sin of not taking advantage of your hours in this world.

But, if when taking stock of your existence, you notice that misfortunes weigh you like a lead hanging from your neck, you are not able to lift your head, it is difficult for you to look towards the future with hope and your life is a sea of ​​tears of which you do not you know how to get out, you are committing a serious sin, since you are not happy.

Is happiness overrated?

Some people think that happiness is overrated. Maybe he is right. Others say that it is impossible to achieve it, and it may be that this is true. There are also those who think that it is a concept that we invented to try to justify our passage through the world. I will not be the one to deny it.

Despite all kinds of studies and brainy proclamations, I have learned one thing in life. And it is that when I am in love, with a job that I like, and surrounded by the people who matter most to me in life, I am happy. I feel enormous, with a sense of belonging, of being where I want to be, of being a loved, valued and unique person. Is that happiness?

Woman with eyes closed

You may not have the answer. Many may think that I am not a happy person. However, while that may not be the right word, it is the right sentiment. Because I feel good about who I am, what I do and what I have.

How to become happy?

I only know one way to be happy, and that is by being yourself. But, to exploit your personality and way of being, it is not enough to stay on the surface. The capricious, the envious, the slanderer … are justified in that they are like that, and no one is going to change them, but they are very misguided.

A person can only be himself when he knows himself intimately. Deep in the heart of each one is our unique and unchanging truth, our real personality. That which jealously guards the dreams and desires of the soul.

In the depths of our being, lies the true search for happiness. Because your heart does not lie to you, and he will tell you who you want to be with and who you don’t, what job you want, and which one you hate, which partner complements you, and who is with you out of interest. Find them and see for them.

Do not wait any longer, because each day that passes, is a precious time that you lose. Do not commit the sin of not being happy, nor allow sadness to take over your soul and your being. You deserve the best, and only you are the owner of your present and future. Hold it tight and start being who you really are.

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