Don’t Let Him Get Away Out Of Fear!

Don't let it escape out of fear!

If you do not realize what it is worth, life is silly, if you go letting what you most wanted to escape … “, well, yes, songs and popular wisdom are full of great truths and one of them is that , sometimes fear paralyzes us.

Changing our comfort zone, even if it is our infernal comfort zone, is hard for us and scares us. We have gotten used to that feeling and taking risks makes us afraid. But we do not think that perhaps on the other side of the mountains, a better, more beautiful landscape is waiting for us, with more light and more colors, different …

It can be a new job, a new love that loves us as we deserve, a change of country or city that offers us the opportunities that we have been waiting for all our lives …

Do not let it escape! If you think it is really worth it … life that is like a Russian roulette will be in charge of spreading fortune, but never regret for what you did but for what you did not do.

Give volume to the video, dance and laugh at your fear!

When you make those important, crucial decisions in your life, the simple satisfaction of having overcome that fear that you had before the unknown, will make you grow as a person, you will feel much better and you will feel your self-esteem like a balloon that has been inflated by the joy of have succeeded.

Remember when you were just a child and you were afraid to start swimming, to ride a bike, your first day of school … or when you wondered what your first kiss would be like and it scared you, if you would make the grade in the football team … What did you risk and did it? you sure felt a lot better, right?

Well now think that it is the same, that fear is only in your head, that you are many times your worst enemy …  You and the obstacles that you impose on yourself, many times higher than they really are … well, we love to tell full stories of fear and terror, shame and pride… but, don’t let it escape!

Do not let love go if it comes, do not leave that job for fear of not measuring up. .. Take a deep breath , look at yourself in the mirror, smile and continue. .. do not let it escape!

Because if we think about it, life doesn’t really have so many secrets … you just have to be willing to want to discover them …

And many times, if life has meaning, it is because of those wonderful opportunities that appear by surprise and that renew us as the best of the “lifts”, but a “lifting for the soul” so go ahead …

“Love drives away fear and, reciprocally, fear drives away love. And not only does fear expel love; also to intelligence, goodness, all thoughts of beauty and truth, and only silent despair remains; and in the end, fear manages to expel humanity itself from man. ”  

(Aldous Huxley)


How to overcome fear?


The fear is something naturally in humans; fear of failure, fear of rejection, fear of change. .. but when it is excessive and paralyzes us, then we have to face it. And how can we do it?

-Accept that you are afraid, nothing happens, it is the first thing to know and face it.

-Identify your fear well. What is it that scares you?

-Think that it would be the worst thing that could happen to you if things did not go as expected and how you would solve it, that will give you confidence. For example: “If I change my job and it is not going well, how many months of unemployment do I have left? What could I work on until I find something stable again?”


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