Lexatin: Characteristics And Side Effects

Lexatin: characteristics and side effects

Lexatin is a drug derived from benzodiazepines that is commonly used to treat severe anxiety. It reduces tension, nervousness and in higher doses it acts as a muscle relaxant. In general, treatment with this type of psychotropic drug should be punctual and of short duration.

Despite the fact that medical and pharmacological institutions warn that this type of medication should not be prescribed beyond 12 weeks (including the gradual withdrawal of the treatment itself), it must be said that today, and in some cases, it continues to be a bad use of them. In fact, its consumption is exceeded beyond the recommended time at times.

Some people combine Lexatin on their own with other medications and central nervous system depressants, such as alcohol or even diazepam. This improper use has consequences, such as an increase in traffic accidents.

Lexatin, as well as any other drug, must be consumed in accordance with the therapeutic indications. Likewise, health professionals must regulate and supervise the proper use of this type of medication, the purpose of which is itself very important: to reduce the symptoms associated with anxiety disorders.

woman who holds her head anxiously and needs lexatin

Lexatin, what is it for?

Lexatin is the brand name for bromazepam. The most important thing to know about this drug is that it is a derivative of benzodiazepines. We are facing a chemical compound that enhances the effect of the neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), which gives us a sedative, hypnotic, anxiolytic, anti-seizure and muscle relaxant sensation.

However, Lexatin is above all a depressant agent of the nervous system that acts in a very specific area of ​​our brain: the limbic system. In this way, what it achieves in addition to relaxing our body and its functions, is reducing psychological tension, stress or emotional anguish.

Let’s see below what therapeutic purposes lexatin has:

  • Treat the processes related to anxiety.
  • Treat obsessive disorders, phobias, hypochondria, panic attacks …
  • Reduce aggressive or self-injurious behaviors.
  • It is also very useful in certain somatizations caused by intense psychic arousal.
  • Likewise, lexatin is also very effective as a relaxing medication prior to minor surgery.
Anxious man needing lexatin

Lexatin-Related Precautions

Lexatin is a milder type of benzodiazepine than the classic diazepam. Now, although its mechanism of action is not as powerful as the latter, its side effects as well as its tolerance and dependence are similar. That is to say, we are facing a drug with a negative impact on a psychological and organic level as long as we do, yes, a bad use of it. Therefore, it is necessary that we know the precautions related to Lexatin.

  • We must always have the supervision of our doctors.
  • Lexatin should not be used as the sole treatment for depression-related anxiety. Its effectiveness is low in these cases.
  • In the event that we abandon Lexatin from one day to the next, we may suffer a rebound effect, that is, the symptoms originating from anxiety worsen. Thus, whenever we are following a treatment with benzodiazepines and we must proceed to their withdrawal, we will do so gradually.
  • While a patient is taking Lexatin, it is not recommended that they perform tasks that require high attention or good responsiveness. Therefore, tasks such as driving or operating dangerous machinery will be limited.
  • Pregnant women, as well as patients with kidney or liver problems, should take lower doses or even opt for other more appropriate alternatives according to characteristics and needs.

Lexatin side effects

Lexatin is not a drug that can be taken on a regular basis. After a few weeks, tolerance develops and the hypnotic effects are reduced to the point of requiring higher doses. If we exceed more than three months or if we take more grams than recommended, we will experience the following symptoms:

  • Headache
  • Muscle pain.
  • Fatigue.
  • Sensitivity to light.
  • Depersonalization.
  • Hyperacusis (sounds bother us).
  • Numbness in the extremities.
  • Nightmares.
  • Gastrointestinal disorders.
  • Feeling dull
  • Coordination problems and concentration difficulties …
Woman with stomach pain due to lexatin

Likewise, and finally, it should be noted that Lexatin interacts with many other medications, especially those that act on the central nervous system, such as antidepressants, opioid analgesics, antipsychotics and even sedative antihistamines. Therefore, let us never forget to follow the instructions of our doctors and see Lexatim as a specific treatment for anxiety disorders.

Chemistry, in these cases, is a relief at a given moment but never the definitive solution to a problem.

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