Taking Risks Allows Us To Grow

Taking risks allows us to grow

Taking risks is something necessary to be able to achieve our goals and transform ourselves little by little into someone very similar to our ideal. But, doesn’t it happen to you that the word “risk” immediately produces a great rejection? We are not used to taking risks, but to avoiding them and protecting ourselves against them.

It is completely normal. If we can, we always look for the easiest and safest way to achieve everything we set out to do, but isn’t this a sign of weakness? Wanting everything to be so easy is not good, the result will not be so satisfactory.

The fear of taking risks and making mistakes

This is something that we still find it difficult to overcome, because it seems that we are still anchored in that making mistakes is something we should be ashamed of, something we should run away from whenever possible. But, always reiterating the same thing, making mistakes is essential to be able to learn, know where we failed, rectify and move forward with our purposes. Are you afraid? Of course, but all fear must be overcome.

woman with paper airplanes on her body

We cannot continue with the false belief that mistakes make us weak, they make us little capable, they make it impossible for us to want to achieve what we want. There is nothing further from reality, because mistakes allow us to achieve everything we want, even if we do not see it that way.

Take risks and you will miss! But this will allow you to see where you are failing, to correct it and continue to grow. How did you learn to walk? Falling … How did you learn to read? Making mistakes … There is nothing easy and without risks there will never be successes.

Think that without risks you cannot know where your limits are either. Nobody is born knowing what they are good at, what they are bad at, what their weak points are … Nobody knows, but you learn by making mistakes and taking risks.

Even if you take risks and fail, don’t be afraid to continue taking risks over and over again. Think about the thrill of taking that risk. What goes wrong? No problem. Get up and opt for another possibility. Life is full of them, the limits are only set by you.

What if it goes well?

This is another of the many options. Imagine how many risks many people take and they really do well. Can you really live with the uncertainty of the “what if …”? Taking risks will allow you to discard options that will otherwise remain in your mind as a missed opportunity.

Sometimes we are not aware that sometimes to win you have to lose. We live in fear of facing our own dreams because we don’t believe in ourselves. Do you have something to lose? Take risks and learn to see your goals as something that you can achieve if you want to.

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Nothing comes alone, think that you have to fight for everything. The problem comes with the fears that make us end our lives regretting everything that we have not done and wanted to do. You sure don’t want that.

Don’t stop thinking about your goal

There should only be one thing clear in your mind: your goal. Then, if you have to risk, do it! If it has to go wrong, so be it! But, think that it can also turn out well, but that you cannot know until you try.

Start today to take risks for what you really want, without being afraid of anything, without being afraid of yourself and the mistakes you may make. Life is full of them, but they allow you to grow and learn. Make mistakes, take risks, live …

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