4 Keys To Stop Complaining

Settling in the complaint implies inactivity, negativity and pessimism. What mental change do we need to move from a culture of complaint to a culture of action? Stop victimizing yourself and move towards solving your own problems
4 keys to stop complaining

How many times have we heard certain people complain over and over again, with or without motive! For example, how difficult and hard their life is, how bad luck they have, etc. Without a doubt, stop complaining and take action is the first step to get out of this permanent state of inertness and victimhood.

In this way, if we stopped complaining so much about what is not working as we would like and we pay more attention to everything we have and can do to enjoy and be happy, we would not be so bitter. We live in the era in which we have more things and facilities but in which people are more unhappy.

We have become used to needing more and more and doing a drama when that invented need is not fulfilled. And, consequently, we complain over and over again without reaching any solution. Well, complaining serves no purpose other than to sink us into bitterness.

stop complaining

How are people who do not stop complaining?

1. They are negative

Protesting people are never happy with anything. They want something, they complain if they don’t have it and when they have it they complain again.

Although the situation they live in is positive or they have achieved great personal or professional achievements, they will always have the tagline “Yes, but …” in their mouths. This attitude ultimately causes them to never enjoy anything and to embitter themselves and the rest of humanity with their toxicity.

2. They don’t look for solutions

It is much easier to rant, criticize or squander what has not turned out as I would have liked, than to find solutions to modify what can be modified. Finding solutions to problems implies stopping falling into victimhood and starting to fight for what you want, which entails an effort that many people are not willing to make.

3. They are gossipy and critical

Complainers are normally critical of others and of the circumstances of their life and this is the product of their own unhappiness and shortcomings. Let us remember that we always criticize others, our own shortcomings.

Surely, the problem is neither in the criticized nor in the fact that is happening to them, but in themselves, who do not know how to appreciate or value the good things in others and in life in general. Their attention is fully focused on what they consider to be negative, without being able to see the positive side of everything.

4. They do not accept that there are things that cannot be changed

stop complaining

For complaining people, acceptance does not exist in their lives. They cannot tolerate that things do not go their way and they tell themselves that it is unbearable, intolerable or disastrous for the world to work the way it does!

The result is a worsening of the problems without being able to find, of course, any solution in this regard and causing significant anxiety and suffering. The complaint will end when the person feels tired or bored with complaining and sees that, apart from great irritation, he gets nothing from it.

What to do to stop complaining?

To stop complaining in the first place you have to admit that we do. And then you can implement the following tips:

  • Stop judging everything : You are not a judge of anything or anyone, therefore, the smartest and most sensible thing to do is keep your mouth shut from time to time and adapt to the circumstances. Also, before judging, look in the mirror: you are not perfect either
  • Promote acceptance in your life: Acceptance is a balm to achieve inner peace and mental health. If we realize that there are various situations, people or events over which we have no power and control, we will learn to stop having expectations and to accept everything as it comes.
  • Stop negative thoughts: words are the product of our thoughts, of what we say to ourselves. If we know how to combat negative and irrational ideas, it will be very difficult to fall into victimhood, criticism and continuous complaint
  • Focus on the positive: everything has its good side, but it seems that we already take that for granted and we are not able to fix our attention on all the good that we have around us.

Change requires small steps and some effort: stopping complaining is not easy

If you make a conscious effort and start listing all the positives in your life, you will realize that there are more pleasant and good things than you ever realized. Turn around what you don’t like and you will discover that it contains some value.

In short, practice these tips daily and you will see how life begins to change you. Remember that change always starts with ourselves, not outside. Asking the world for the claim sheet will not do you any good. Change and start loving life as it is!

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