Emotional Vacations: So Necessary And Forgotten

The sustained emotional intensity over time and especially when it is of negative valence is overwhelming. Hence, we all, from time to time, need an emotional vacation.
Emotional vacations: so necessary and forgotten

When we make a great physical effort, the body is exhausted. When we work excessively, the mind asks for rest. And the same happens with emotions. Feeling excessively and continuously also consumes our energy, wears us down and erodes health at all levels. This is why it is so necessary to take an emotional vacation from time to time.

Daily experiences and especially interpersonal relationships can be very demanding on an emotional level. Stress, anxiety, anger, sadness and a host of poorly managed emotional states can end up threatening our well-being every day.

Unlike conventional vacations, emotional vacations are not as widespread. Therefore, we want to tell you the multiple benefits that you can obtain from them.

Stressed girl with closed eyes

Feeling can also exhaust us

In general, we perceive emotions simply as a naturally flowing river that is part of our life cycle : it erodes us more or less, we have little to do against the force of its flow.

We do not question the energy resources they consume, we do not realize that we are reaching our limit or wonder what we can do about it. However, there are many situations that can put us in danger.

Feeling trapped in a job that we do not like, being in constant conflict with our children or having a dysfunctional relationship are some of the experiences that can drain us emotionally. Dealing with anxiety, uncertainty, or disappointment on a daily basis is exhausting. Staying on a constant emotional roller coaster can do us real harm.

These negative consequences can be very diverse. Problems falling asleep and staying asleep, attention or concentration difficulties, hypersensitivity, extreme irritability, somatic discomfort … All of these can be signs that the time has come to take an emotional vacation.

What is an emotional vacation?

Despite what it may seem from the name that has been given to it, to carry out an emotional vacation it is not necessary to travel. You don’t even need to leave your own home. It is, more than anything, a change in habits and attitudes. It is about disconnecting for a while from the emotional demands that we have been carrying.

If you’ve never taken these kinds of emotional breaks, you may not even know where to start. Therefore, we propose some guidelines that will make it easier for you to take care of yourself internally.

  • Try not to leave unfinished business. Before beginning your rest, your inner journey, it is necessary to cut the burdens that bother you  (both at work and personal level) so that there is nothing that worries you or disturbs you during this period. Make sure that you can have quality time for yourself, to dedicate yourself entirely to yourself.
  • Change your routines. Even at home, you can manage to get out of the familiar, familiar, or routine. Therefore, avoid following the same schedules and activities that you have been maintaining. Do not go to the same places or frequent the same people, it is about making a kind of mental break with what constitutes your normal daily activity.
  • In relation to the above, try to try new things. Introduce new recipes into your diet, experiment with different hobbies or hobbies; but, above all, it changes internally. Analyze the attitudes or behaviors that you would like to modify or improve and begin to do so. Learn to breathe, to be with you and to take care of you. Take care of yourself physically, mentally and emotionally during these days.
  • Check your emotions. This is the ideal time to analyze what your predominant emotions tend to be and where they come from. If you don’t like these, take advantage of this period to take perspective and modify what is necessary in your life to stabilize yourself emotionally.
Woman with closed eyes thinking about emotional self control from anxiety

The emotional vacation: a necessary break

Emotional vacations are really necessary because they allow us to stop and look inward. They give us the opportunity to reconnect with ourselves and ask ourselves what is right and wrong in our life. They are a space of calm, introspection and personal work from which we emerge reinforced, recharged and with a new perspective.

Sometimes the maelstrom of daily rush and obligation makes us overlook our deepest needs. So, spend this time listening to yourself and making the decisions that benefit you the most. Emotional health is essential to achieve a full life in all areas, let’s learn to take care of it.

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