Learning To Be With Yourself Is The Key To Your Well-being

Oddly enough, many adults are incapable of being with themselves. Something that can lead to emotional dependence. We talk about it.
Learning to be with yourself is the key to your well-being

Many adult people are incapable of being with themselves. Loneliness generates such discomfort that they constantly seek the company of someone else without noticing many times whether that company is of quality or not. We must learn that we are the people we will stay with for life. Therefore, it is important that we are very clear about this message ” learning to be with yourself is the key to your well-being .

Being alone causes us discomfort because we are not used to it. We live immersed in external noise, focused on others and disconnected from our own being. When the others leave, the silence is as disturbing as that inner voice that we have not listened to for years. 

The inability to enjoy your own presence not only prevents you from knowing the wonderful human being that you are. In addition, it can lead you to establish harmful relationships of dependency  that are not based so much on love as on the fear that that someone will leave and leave you alone with you.

When you enjoy your company, you are free. Your fullness comes from the only being that will never leave you; and therefore relationships become a choice and not a necessity. At that moment you put yourself in the position of choosing the person with whom you really want to share your time  and you do not hesitate to end links that do not bring you anything positive.

Woman with flower crown from back

Learn to be with yourself

It is important to emphasize that seeking social contact and establishing relationships is totally healthy and natural. We are social beings and we need interaction with others to stay physically and emotionally healthy.

However, you spend most of your time with you, why not stop running away from you and start getting to know yourself?  You will be surprised by what you discover.

Give you a chance

As we discussed before, if it is uncomfortable for you to be with yourself it is because you are not used to it. You have not given yourself the opportunity to meet yourself, because you have always tried to be around other people. That’s why it’s important that you make a conscious effort to spend time with yourself. Try to overcome the initial discomfort and gradually get used to your presence.

It is enough that you start not to force meetings with other people to avoid loneliness. When it comes naturally, don’t run away from it, accept it and begin to experience what it feels like to be with you.

Focus on you

Often, emotional dependence leads us to be excessively aware of the other person. We go out of our way to meet your needs and expectations and meet them instantly. We put all our energy and time on your well-being and, therefore, we forget about ourselves.

So, start by taking back all that time and mental energy that you dedicate to someone outside and focus it on you. Start asking yourself how you feel at all times, what do you need, what do you want, what do you want. Make yourself a priority and take care of yourself first.

Maybe at first you feel that it is something selfish or unnatural, but nothing is further from the truth. Your greatest responsibility is with you; You cannot love healthily, take care of and take care of someone else if you do not love, take care of and attend to yourself first.

Cultivate a relationship with you

Lastly, remember the importance of cultivating a relationship with yourself. When you love someone, you listen to them, you give them words of love and encouragement and you dedicate time to them. Well, you need to do the same with yourself.

Find time each week to have “self-love dates”, moments alone in which the only goal is to enjoy yourself. You can take a relaxing bath, watch your favorite movie, cook a new recipe … The goal is to spend some time and enjoy it.

Woman looking into a mirror

Being with you will be a pleasure

You may initially discover parts of yourself that you don’t particularly like. You may find that you still have wounds from the past, that you have fears, that you feel anger. Perhaps this disturbs you. Keep in mind that, probably, you have been covering these feelings for years with the continuous presence of others and now you are finally giving them a little light.

Instead of going back to where you started, dare to stay by your side. Look at your dark areas and work on them if necessary. When you begin to be for yourself unconditionally, when you become your best friend and greatest ally, life will become easier and you will no longer feel alone.

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