3 Ordinary People Who Did Extraordinary Things

There are villains in the world, but also many anonymous heroes who are living proof that there are many good people in the world. They are ordinary people, suddenly taking courageous and moving actions. These are three of them.
3 ordinary people who did extraordinary things

The world is full of anonymous heroes. Unfortunately, great criminals or serial killers often gain more notoriety. We end up thinking that there is a lot of evil in the world, when in reality there is not. Many more ordinary people do extraordinary and positive things.

Sometimes the stories of perverse acts are more spectacular and commercial and, on the other hand, they also remain more fixed in our memory. It is regrettable that this is so. It is actually easier to do harm than to do good. Those ordinary people who at one point show that they have immense value should not go unnoticed.

There are stories that show us that many ordinary people are capable of dimensioning themselves and performing real feats in certain situations. Perhaps each of us has a hero inside, but it only comes to light when certain circumstances converge. For the exhibition, we leave you three moving stories.

1. Keenia Williams

Keenia Williams’ story is poignant. She was one of those ordinary people, who led a normal life and who hadn’t had a chance to show how extraordinary she was. At the time of her heroic act, she was 22 years old and a single mother.

Keenia, symbolizing ordinary people

One day he was in his car, like every day. He was taking his little daughter to school on a California highway. Suddenly, a little further on, a truck overturned. It immediately caught fire and the driver managed to get out and crawl a bit, but almost immediately was knocked unconscious.

Seeing this, Keenia didn’t hesitate. He ran out and took the driver by the arm. As best he could, he dragged him and took him to his car. There he covered him with a towel and a coat. Then the paramedics said that this action had saved the man’s life. Keenia was awarded the San Francisco Good Samaritan Award.

2. Angela Pierce, one of the ordinary people who did something extraordinary

Angela Pierce is another one of those ordinary people who starred in a heroic act . It happened in 2010, on a highway in Ohio, United States. A car was speeding. The patrolman Jonathan Seiter stopped him, a man named Otto Coleman was the one who was driving the vehicle.

police image symbolizing the power of ordinary people

As soon as he got out of the car, Coleman furiously attacked the police officer. This was not expected and was reduced in a few seconds. He only managed to ask for help. Nearby was Angela Pierce, who managed to witness what happened. She noticed that Coleman was trying to take the gun from the police officer.

Angela didn’t think much about it. He stopped his car, took a tool and ran to where the events were taking place. He hit Coleman on the head and this allowed the police officer to regain control. Thus he managed to reduce the violent driver. Later, Patrolman Jonathan Seiter had the opportunity to meet Angela and thank her for her bravery.

3. Jon Meis

Jon Meis was a student at Seattle Pacific University. For everyone he was a normal person, with nothing that made him extraordinary. They were very wrong: at any time, ordinary people perform extraordinary feats and this was the case.

One day a man named Aaron Ybarra entered the university. He was 26 years old and nobody knew him. Without a word, he suddenly pulled out a gun and began shooting at the students. Everyone ran uncontrollably, while at the same time several fell to the ground. Jon Meis hid himself, but did so at a point where he could observe Ybarra.

When the sniper finished loading his weapon, he set about reloading the ammunition. Jon Meis took advantage of that short lapse to jump on top of him. He sprayed pepper spray on his face and then threw him to the ground. Seeing this, others were encouraged to help him and thus arrested the murderer. Meis went into shock and was taken to hospital. What makes someone a hero is not the fact that they are not afraid, but that they manage to defeat it.

Jon Meis was seen as a hero for these actions. On graduation day his classmates stood up and cheered him on. The university established an engineering scholarship in his honor. He, Angela Pierce and Keenia Williams are living proof that there are also many angels in the world looking out for the good of all.

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