Dark Empathy: Definition And Basic Characteristics

Research on personality reveals a new psychological construct: dark empathy. It defines those people who are apparently cold and with traits of the dark triad, but who reveal kindness, compassion and emotional connection.
Dark empathy: definition and basic characteristics

If there is one thing that is popularly assumed, it is that the psychopath, the Machiavellian, or even the worst narcissist lacks authentic empathic competencies. However, this issue is more complex than we may think. So much so that from the field of personality, space is already opening up to a new variable as interesting as it is revolutionary: dark empathy.

Now, what does it consist of? It is a new psychological construct that would define a small group of the population. They are individuals who, although they present certain traits of the classic dark triad of personality, reveal a more luminous and even compassionate side. The data has caught the attention of the experts and it seems that the investigations in this regard will continue.

Some already describe them as the classic antiheroes. Men in their great majority who, although they show somewhat cold behaviors and even with a certain mastery of the manipulative arts, hide within them talent, personal responsibility and even kindness.

Psycho man

Dark empathy, what is it?

From the field of evolutionary psychology it is sometimes assumed that “dark traits” could confer some impetus to humanity. Skills such as resolution, the ability to lead others, make quick decisions in complex conditions, or not back down when you have a goal in mind are clearly advantageous aspects.

Now, what do we mean when we talk about dark features ? They are the ones that define a construct called the dark triad (coined in 2002 by Paulhus and Williams). This term refers to the personality characteristics of narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy. All this traces a clearly malicious interpersonal character in which emotional coldness, aggressiveness and falsehood stand out.

However … what if we said now that within that broad spectrum of traits that defines that dark profile there is a more compassionate and civic type of personality? Recent studies have revealed that a new psychological construct has been discovered that they have called dark empathy and that, in some way, it would represent that more integrative side of the dark triad. We analyze it.

Dark empath, high empathy and dark features

The research work has been published in July 2020. The Universities of Nottingham and Bishop Grosseteste (United Kingdom), together with the Auckland University of Technology (New Zealand) conducted a study to better understand the role of empathy in the dark triad .

  • Thus, something that the vast majority assume is that neither the psychopathic nor the narcissistic and Machiavellian personality have this dimension. However, make no mistake.
  • Most of the time they do empathize, if they perceive the emotional reality of the other, but it is a resource with which to better manipulate people. His empathy is clearly instrumental.
  • However, in this research carried out on a sample of almost a thousand people, something remarkable was discovered. 19.3% of that population, despite showing dark features, showed another type of empathy, a very high one as well. They were able to connect and feel the reality of the other and even to experience compassion.  
  • This type of empathy was called dark empath (DE) or dark empathy.

Can we then have empathic psychopaths? Are there perhaps compassionate narcissists? In reality, what this study shows us is that there may be some people with “certain” psychopathic, Machiavellian or narcissistic traits also defined by dark empathy.

Serious boy looking out the window

What are the characteristics of the dark empath?

They are mostly men. Dark empathy is represented in the world of cinema and literature as the classic mysterious or malevolent character who turns out to have a good heart. He is the vampire who does not drink blood, the cold, shrewd and antisocial detective, but who always defends and takes care of the needy. The calculating thief, who leads his group and who commits a criminal act for a good cause.

These are prototypical images that go to show that sometimes those dark features can be oriented to a good end. Hence the interest of psychology. After all, these personalities spice up a series of characteristics that can be useful for certain jobs : spies, soldiers, doctors and even public positions. Let’s know how they are defined.

Extroverted and neurotic

Dark empathy is combined with clearly outgoing, dynamic behaviors, highly open and easy to express feelings to others.

Likewise, a neurotic character is integrated in them ; In other words, times can go by with marked emotional ups and downs (anxiety, depression, phobias …). They are people who are very often gripped by emotional pain.

Kind, social and enjoy social relationships

Your kindness is genuine. They do not pretend what they feel and they delight in relating, meeting people, connecting with people.

They like to have power but they achieve participatory leadership

One of the common traits that often orbit in the dark triad is the need for power. They like it, it defines them and they feel fulfilled being leaders.

However, dark empathy confers an advantage and that is that it defines a more humane leadership. These people are capable of bringing out the best in others for the good of all. They are leaders who inspire, who participate and who boost the psychological capital of others.

Vulnerable narcissism

Another characteristic of this highly empathetic personality is a vulnerable type of narcissism. They are easily hurt. They are able to understand and respect the realities of others, but they are very affected by bad comments or certain behaviors.

Imperfect, but talented

Finally, it is interesting to see how this profile tends to show great competence in many areas. They have talent, they are good leaders, they connect very well with people … Although of course, they continue to show complex traits, such as a certain narcissism and clear manipulative abilities.

Studies on this psychological construct will continue in the coming years. Surely, we will soon learn much more about these figures in our society.

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