From The Subconscious Mind To The Conscious Mind

From the subconscious mind to the conscious mind

Much of the information that we capture with the senses when we are small is registered and stored in our  subconscious.  Along with this sensory information, the beliefs and expectations that we elaborate from it are also recorded. Thus, childhood left behind, much of this mental content will remain and will have a considerable influence on our behavior.

Research has discovered a wide variety of brain waves that we can identify based on their frequency: from the very low levels of activity recorded in deep sleep (delta waves), to the higher frequencies recorded during conscious thoughts (beta waves).

Delta waves and the subconscious mind

From birth to 2 years of age, the human brain works primarily with lower frequency brain waves. Adults during deep sleep are in delta, which explains why newborns normally cannot be awake for more than several minutes at a time.

So they mostly work from the subconscious. They hardly censor, correct or judge the information received from the outside world. At this age the activity of the “thinking brain” (the neocortex ) is very low.

Father looking at a baby in subconscious phase

Zeta waves

From 2 to 5 or 6 years old, children begin to show slightly higher EEG patterns. Children who “live in zeta” live in a trance-like brain state and are mostly connected to their inner world.

They live in the world of the abstract and of the imagination. They have little developed critical and rational thinking. For this same reason, young children tend to believe what they are told (such as that wise men exist).

At this age they are very impressed by phrases such as the following: Good girls are quiet. Boys do not Cry. Your brother is smarter than you. You can not do this. You will be a failure. You’re bad … These kinds of statements go straight to the subconscious, because slow brain wave states are the realm of the subconscious.

That is why it is very important to educate with this in mind. Now that you know this valuable information, be responsible.

Mother with daughter who is passing from the subconscious phase


Alpha waves

From ages 5 to 8, brain waves change again at a slightly higher frequency. The analytical mind begins to form, allowing one to interpret and draw conclusions about the laws of external life. At the same time, the inner world of the imagination tends to be as real as the outer world.

Children in this age group usually have one foot in every world. This is why they like role plays so much. For example, if you ask a child to play a dolphin swimming in the sea, to become a snowflake blown by the wind or a superhero going to rescue someone, after hours they will still be in this role.

Beta waves 

From 8 to 12 years of age and beyond , brain activity increases, even at higher frequencies. These waves last into adulthood and increase to varying degrees.

After the age of 12, the door between the conscious and subconscious minds usually closes. Beta waves are divided into low, medium and high. As children approach adolescence, they transition from low-range beta waves to mid-range and high-range beta waves, similar to those seen in most adults.

Woman who has broken chains and ended the subconscious phase

Now that you know roughly how brain waves work, you have to understand that all the information that your subconscious mind absorbed during your first 7 years continues to have an influence on your life. But if you become aware of who you are and care about knowing yourself, you can control and manage the form of this influence.

So, if you have children under your care… be careful what you say to them! Because they will believe it. Be very patient with them and constantly tell them how valuable they are. Love them and teach them to love each other because it will be something that, in one way or another, will be present throughout their lives.

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