How To Detect Insecurity In Your Children

How to detect insecurity in your children

We are used to talking about the insecurity that prevails among adults, but what about children? They are also being part of this world and, although many are still learning how to cope with it, they also suffer from problems of stress, insecurity and, sometimes, depression.

Why is my child insecure?

Children are very defenseless, especially those under 6 years of age. Their innocence and lack of ability to deal with certain emotions and problems that can address them make them easy targets for manipulation, both mentally and physically.

This is something very normal, since we are not born learned and only based on experiences do we know the best way to face the multiple circumstances that we may suffer. In addition, children absorb everything around them. Surely you have ever heard that they are “like sponges”. This is applicable to all aspects of your life.

 Do you worry about their problems?
Child with selective mutism

Arguments in the family, the pressure they may be subjected to, the lack of attention from parents, can cause them great insecurity. Do you give him the necessary attention? Do you worry about their problems?

Sometimes we think that everything that happens to them is nonsense and, most of the time, it is! But for them it is not nonsense, they are new in this world and they are learning. Children need you to understand and communicate with them. If not, you will make him become an insecure child.

How can I detect that my child is insecure? What aspects give you away?

  • It suffers a kind of dependence on its hygiene that it usually leaves in the hands of the mother.
  • Shows an affective behavior where emotional instability, disobedience, aggressiveness predominate …
  • When it comes to playing, they usually practice underage roles, repeat the same game or show fear.
  • He suffers from irrational fears and cries to get attention.
  • Starts talking at night, suffers insomnia, makes requests to sleep with the light on or to be told a story …
  • Concentration problems at school.
  • Presents grimaces and other unnatural oral and bodily expressions.
  • They have an object (blanket, stuffed animal …) from which they do not separate.

Cultivate self-esteem

Instead of getting angry with the child for irrational possession of an object or for his disobedience, it is more important that we talk to him. Scolding him will not solve the problem, our son needs us to be on his side, not that we become his worst enemy.

If we do not know how to act, we can talk with their teachers or with a professional who can teach us how we can increase our child’s self-esteem so that he stops being insecure. Self-esteem will be the best remedy for this terrible circumstance that is very difficult to solve, even when we are adults.

Cultivate self-esteem in children

Think that if you decide to ignore these symptoms and let them pass you can reinforce that your child becomes a very sad person, with a very low self-esteem and an easy predisposition to suffer depression. This will make life a painful experience, full of limits and emotions that you will not know how to deal with.

We have all been children at one time or another, but we forget the importance of everything we feel and live in those early stages of our life. We also forget how much everything we experience in childhood influences us in our later stages, causing us problems that we can hardly overcome. The time to fix all of this is now!

Will you allow your child to be an insecure person?

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