How To Improve Our Personal Relationships

How to improve our personal relationships

We are surrounded by personal relationships, and most of them are probably enriching. We can always  “get something good” out of every conversation, encounter or communication. They offer us well-being and health, they allow us to feel part of something, etc.

But there are also “toxic” or negative relationships that cloud our existence and cause us discomfort, separate us, disintegrate us or hurt us.

Psychologists and scientific groups investigate how personal relationships are, the objective is to identify the keys that would help to recognize the most common mistakes we make in them. In this way, we could not only realize if we are facing someone negative, but we would also emphasize good relationships, improving our bond with those people.

How to enjoy healthy personal relationships

Laughing friends with healthy personal relationships

Some recommendations can be given to be able to enjoy healthier relationships in any area and avoid those that harm us are:

Identify our relationships

It consists of making a list  of people with whom we have had a conflictive relationship. But it must be done in a moment of tranquility and comfort.

This will help us to analyze our way of interacting in communication contexts and to learn from the mistakes we have made and are able to locate. But be careful, this is not about writing down a friend you had a fight with yesterday or your coworker who talks to you all the time. Go further, search deep within each relationship.

List your own flaws

Of course, because with the rest you cannot improve yourself. Try to master each of them as an excellent tactic to get along better with the people around you.

Accept your personality, but also keep in mind that if you are too abrupt to speak, you do not know how to ask for things well, you yell, you get angry, etc., you are likely to produce many more misunderstandings than good times. Make a real “mea culpa” of your mistakes and work to change them.

Observe what we do not like about the other person

Two friends having coffee

Pay close attention to this, as there is a theory that what we criticize in others is what we “hate” about ourselves. Overcoming the incompatibility with someone will make peace and tranquility reign in those moments where they are in company.

If you don’t like your cousin getting involved in your affairs, don’t allow her to participate so much in meetings or if your neighbor says everything you say to her, learn to select the information you share with her.

Listen to needs

Both own and others. Think if it is really worth having a list of friends who are not as faithful as you would like. Sometimes it is better to “stay” with some whom you can trust unconditionally and not waste time on companies that do not add anything good to your existence.

Having “a million friends”, as the song says, is a utopia, something that no one can achieve. Yes, you can have hundreds of acquaintances or people with whom you establish different relationships on a daily basis.


We all make mistakes in our personal relationships, we have already said that error is a great field for learning, but when we speak in this field we have to take the other person into account. Acknowledging our mistake will be a sign that we recognize that relationship, that we attach importance to it, that we dedicate our time and with which we are sincere.

By making your personal relationships more enjoyable and profitable, you will achieve a “chain reaction” and you will only have people who are worthwhile by your side, who will help you improve and that you can make them go through life better. After all, a relationship is not possible if there is no reciprocity, commitment and good will on both sides.

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