I Want For All The Children The Best Version Of My Childhood

I want for all the children the best version of my childhood

During holidays or Christmas we live as if we were children, with that fascinating illusion  that made you feel happy not because of what you received as a gift, but because the golden mystery and illusion caused everything to look different around you. Childhood was full of illusions, dreams and games.

If we remember it like this it is because at least a part of our childhood was worth it, we dreamed of things that were not entirely true but in this life sometimes imagination is necessary. Children are deluded like crazy without knowing if they will be disappointed later, because they still do not know that when the illusion fades, the truth remains, which is sometimes harsh.

I don’t want to fool the children around me, I just want the best version of my childhood for all the children. I want to excite you but also explain that remorse and fear do not turn your life around.

Childhood is playing by opening the senses

Childhood is discovering and exploring through the senses. Everything that happens around a child is a reason to pry it. They awaken the world through the senses and it is with them that they will grow and live new experiences.

On many occasions I have seen how many children doubted what gift to ask for Christmas or birthdays. I would give you some advice: ask for help to find a secret place, it can be something abandoned, even in the large lot of the whole school, a house or a park. A hiding place that allows them to take refuge and explore …

You also have to play jump in the puddles, even if they splash. If they do not do it as children, as adults it will be much more difficult and the feeling deserves it. That they live with an animal, when they grow up they will realize that by remembering it their tears will evoke their first and valuable emotional learning.

Children playing in balloon

The point is that in childhood we develop through the senses and there is no better way to start than through play. The game is for them an open door to uncertainty and curiosity, that is why we must not stop promoting it.

Damages that last a lifetime occur in childhood

Constructive criticism can help a child to get the best of himself, to display potential competencies and emotional abilities that were latent but dormant. However, a destructive criticism, bordering on insult or mockery can be etched forever. If it happens in front of others, even more strongly.

I would never want that for a child. A child needs to feel unique and special, full of love but also discipline. Giving love to children is never spoiling them. Telling them stories to make them feel so good that they think they are living what they dream of, is not dangerous either … Values, manners, ambition, self-improvement, norms of coexistence are taught through the magical atmosphere of stories. of friendship.

In childhood you should feel discipline, not control

Some parents or guardians think that discipline is earned thanks to an authority, but in reality authority must also be given as a relief of autonomy to children to promote their independence, self-control and self-esteem, something that will last a lifetime.

When a child notices that they have given him total trust, he does not want to betray it. This confidence will drive you to autonomy, to discovery, to validation of your points of view. You will understand that there comes a time when discipline and discovery go together, and that even if you have a “supervisor” who watches your every step, it will not prevent you from taking risk and being able to fall, although those who love you will always be there to pick you up.

I believe without a doubt that a good childhood prevents us from breaking into pieces again and again in the future, from having fear or guilt. That is why I wish the best version of my childhood for all children. Only a generation raised like this will be able to fix the evils of this world.

Images courtesy of Fairy Tales

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