Lost And Found: The Vital Profession Of Overcoming Heavy Blows

Lost and found: the vital profession of overcoming heavy blows

Life sometimes hits us very hard. It is not always all light and color, and even so we have to continue to face it with integrity. Sometimes phrases like “why me?”, “I don’t deserve it!” Appear in our minds. But, it is not a question of deserving it or not. What happens to us is sometimes surrounded by darkness, but it is in our hands to see the light among all that blackness.

One of these hard experiences that we can live is dementia. We are talking about one of the hardest blows that impacts directly against our memory or against that of those we love the most, causing identity to be lost with memories. However, can this be seen from another perspective? Here we leave you a beautiful short that answers this question with a resounding “yes”.

The blows are faced with patience

From the previous short we can get a great lesson to put into practice in our daily actions. When life hits us and we feel like we lose everything, we may have the need to insist or rush into an action that will reverse or compensate for the situation as soon as possible. However, we forget to be patient.

In general we tolerate uncertainty badly and the truth is that not knowing what will happen to us in the future can generate a lot of anxiety, making us feel on the edge of a precipice from which we cannot estimate the depth. This precipice, in turn, has a lot to do with the loss of a sense of control that events or news that are unexpected and negative bring into our lives.

short lost property

Then what do we do? As the short film about dementias teaches us well, patience and perseverance are necessary. Stop wanting everything to be solved from today to tomorrow and focus on the small steps for improvement that can be taken thanks to effort and, above all, a large dose of hope.

Thus,  patiently facing the blows that life can give us does not mean that we have lost hope, but with love we are going to try to live with that uncertainty of not knowing what will happen tomorrow, but of being aware of what is going to happen. today. Because here, in the now, we do have control and power.

The little things make it all worth it

Another of the teachings that the wonderful short film at the beginning has given us is to look at the little things, even those that seem insignificant. Because our own happiness often resides in them. Although to realize this, sometimes they have to spend years and reach the age of the protagonists of the short.

We always chase big dreams, we try to accumulate many things, we desire innumerable riches. However, what really has value lies in the smallest, in the imperceptible. Because when the person next to us suffers from dementia, the big dreams collapse and accumulating things no longer makes sense, what is it or what is left to us? Therein lies the magic.

elderly in short lost property

On many occasions it seems that life has to hit us hard so that we open our eyes and realize everything that we do not value. The funny thing is that it has always been within our grasp. It was not something we had to strive for. It was there, we just had to appreciate it! But, we did not do it because our attention was elsewhere.

Despite the fact that the blows that life gives us are hard and make us suffer – in the case of the short film, for the person we love the most – we must not underestimate a positive part that they undoubtedly have: they allow us to open our eyes:  We live on a constant autopilot from which nothing but unexpected adversity and problems get us out.

short "lost property"

It is time to stop waiting for this to happen so that we can begin to appreciate the little things, the life that we have and to start cultivating the patience to face what does not turn out the way we expected. Valuable lessons that can be extracted from the wonderful short that we have presented, where love, appreciation for the little things and a slight change of perspective can be the beginning of a wonderful journey with the person we love the most. Although their reality and ours do not coincide.

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