Managing Anxiety Before A Difficult Exam

Managing Anxiety in the Face of a Difficult Test

There are tests of tests, exams of exams. Although they always cause some tension, some of them are rather routine. Others, on the other hand, bring out all our fears. It is those tests on which something very important depends : perhaps a long-dreamed of job, approval of the end of the course, or perhaps, the degree in high school or college.

In theory, we should not feel anxious  if we have studied and are sure of what we know. However, it is easier said than sorry. Our insecurities easily sprout and we think we could blank out, block ourselves; They can just ask us about this issue that we do not handle perfectly … Anyway, it is not enough to prepare ourselves intellectually: we must also fine-tune our emotions.

Assess your situation

It is convenient that a couple of days before the exam you evaluate your real situation, with the greatest objectivity possible. To do this, use the following test. Rate yourself from 1 to 5 on each question.

1. Have I studied all the content of the subject or subjects on which I will be evaluated?

2. Did I sufficiently work on the most difficult topics ?

3. Have I spent enough hours studying?

4. Isn’t the anxiety I feel due to the content of the test ?

5. Isn’t the anxiety I feel due to past experiences that have made me insecure?

6. Isn’t my anxiety due to thinking too much about what others might say about my performance?

7. I want to pass the exam, but above all to learn ?

8. When studying, do I think about the benefit of the knowledge that I am acquiring and not about the possible questions that they will ask me?

9. Do I want to pass the exam because it is a fair result for my effort ?

10. Do I know that I have done everything I had to do to do well on the exam?

When finished, add the points. If you reached 20 or less, perhaps you should ask yourself if you study or work simply to comply and not to learn or grow. If you score between 20 and 30, you are on the right track, but you still have to adjust your performance. If you got between 30 and 40, you will surely pass the exam, but you could give more. If your score goes from 40 to 50, you are completely ready for what is coming.

Eliminating anxiety

So that the anxiety dissipates and allows you to work freely during the test, it is good that you follow some recommendations:

•  Practice a deep breath every time you feel nervousness set in. It is recommended that you have informed yourself about abdominal breathing in advance and train yourself to use it whenever you feel anxiety.

Think positively. Take away thoughts about possible negative outcomes. Every time they appear in your mind, repeat: “I will do my best.”

Get enough sleep the day before. Staying up late studying on the eve of the exam is one of the worst ideas you can come up with. Try to do the opposite: sleep, hopefully a little more than usual. If you don’t fall asleep, go back to belly breathing. As you practice it, you will relax and you will be able to fall asleep.

Leave everything ready the day before. Nothing worse to increase anxiety than to be looking for supplies or papers a few minutes before an exam.

Don’t go on an empty stomach. Eat something light before entering your test. Avoid foods that are high in sugar.

• During the test, answer first those questions about which you are sure of the answer. Leave those that you consider most difficult for later.

If you go blank, immediately move on to another question. Go back to belly breathing and think positive. If you take a couple of minutes to calm down, you will see that everything is back to normal.

Ask the manager if you have questions about any question or aspect of the exam.

Maintain order and cleanliness in the exam you are answering.

Don’t pay attention to what others are doing. There they with their rhythm and their concerns; you should only be interested in yours.

Most mistakes are made in haste. Take your time.


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