People Quit Because Of Their Bad Bosses, Not Their Job

A bad boss affects your mood and puts your health at risk. Identify the behaviors of this person in time and make the best decision for you.
People quit because of their bad bosses, not their job

Quitting a job is not an easy decision, we all have expenses to bear, in addition to job expectations. However,  there are situations in which the situation becomes untenable and it is essential to take the step so as not to compromise our emotional health.

Over the past few years, the number of cases where people love their profession, the company they are in, and the salary they earn have increased. However, they have bosses who create an environment heavy, complex and full of insecurities.

In fact, according to an Accenture study, the main reason employees quit today is because of their bad bosses. They feel that they are not valued or motivated, which affects how they feel.

Likewise, another analysis carried out by Gallup revealed that up to 75% of the analyzed population came to resign because of their relationship with their direct bosses. The main reason was the establishment of poor communication, in which there were only negative words that hurt employees and stagnate their objectives.

As a result, it has been proven that many people prefer a job in which they are paid less, but have greater stability because it gives them tools to progress, the environment is pleasant and they feel much better.

Man angry with female employee

Read on: Are you a terrifying boss?

The consequences of bad bosses

A bad boss intimidates his workers and shows no empathy. Because of this, they feel stagnant, drained of energy, and unmotivated. They live in a constant state of stress and mental exhaustion that can eventually lead to anxiety or depression.

Additionally, stress can affect your cardiovascular health as well. The constant tension causes the blood pressure to rise irregularly and the heart can beat at a very intense rate.

On the other hand, employees may also experience some discomfort on a physical level. This is because daily wear and tear tends to affect the quality of sleep, causing fatigue, dizziness and muscle spasms.

Some people even become more irritable and touchy,  which can affect their family and friendship relationships.

Characteristics of a bad boss

Bad bosses are often arrogant: they threaten workers and address them with humiliating words. In addition, the corrections are made in public, in front of the rest of their classmates, since that way they feel more powerful.

These bosses don’t clearly communicate their ideas and change schedules as they go. When something goes wrong, they disengage themselves from all responsibility, point out guilty parties and generate discord among the entire team. In addition, it is difficult for them to recognize the achievements of their workers, since they only appear to point out mistakes.

Bad bosses believe that their ideas are the only valid ones and do not allow consensus. In fact, they are able to increase the working time only to have the obligations fulfilled in their own way. This is so because they do not care about what their workers feel or need, reasons why they break promises and disregard the welfare of others.

The end result is that employees feel undervalued and little by little their desire to participate and propose new ideas fades. They go into a totally passive attitude.

Discover: Types of bosses and how to deal with them

Boss yelling at her employees

Leaving a bad job on time is essential

When a person begins to feel that his state of mind is compromised and that he does not feel good with his boss, it is advisable to reflect on the idea of ​​resigning. In this way, both physical and mental health are protected.

Well-being is the most important and is not bought for any value. Therefore, it should be the first aspect to be balanced when making any relevant decision.

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