Simplicity Is A Quality Of Extraordinary People

Simplicity is a quality of extraordinary people

Simplicity is a wonderful virtue and not as common as it should be. It is one of those attributes that adorns everyone else. It is always associated with humility and denotes nobility and maturity. That is why, although it may seem paradoxical, only extraordinary people genuinely have this quality.

Some define simplicity as “the celebration of the small. In other words, someone who is simple shows himself capable of enjoying the little things. He also appreciates them. He has neither his expectations nor his ambitions set on something too high, a mountain too high to cover happiness. Therefore, the first favored with simplicity is the one who holds it.

To wave the flag of simplicity, you have to be adaptable and know how to accept and accept yourself . These characteristics make everything flow, without trying to force it or change its course. All this favors spontaneity, another virtue that only occurs in balanced and healthy people.

Boy smiling simply

Simplicity in appearance

A close-up in which simplicity is visible is in appearance. How much do you need to physically “dress up” to feel comfortable with your personal appearance ? How does grooming or not grooming make you feel more or less presentable?

Taking care of our appearance is important. How we see ourselves externally also speaks of our interior. It is the image that we project to the world and determines the first impression that many people will take of us. So far everything is reasonable.

When that personal presentation becomes an obsessive topic, the problems begin. A touch of vanity is not enough for anyone, but if this is filled with fears, insecurities or large investments of time and money, there may be something else in the background. Simplicity in appearance is self-acceptance and self-worth.

A simple mind

Simplicity of thought is what we generally call “common sense. See reality without trying to put too many ornaments on it or make it unnecessarily complex. It then implies an unsuspecting and objective look at the real.

Likewise, the simplicity of mind facilitates the understanding of other points of view. Reduce or end that need to own the truth, to impose it on others,  or to get everyone to think uniformly. Simple minds spontaneously accept that there are many points of view; in this way, they transform the problem into a valuable source of personal enrichment.

A simple mind also expresses itself with the naturalness of someone who is not interested in proving anything or creating myths around them. His words are clear and eloquent. No unnecessary frills. No pretense of scholarship or intentional class marks. Simplicity makes us express what we think directly and simply.

Friends talking while smiling simply

Simplicity in relationships with others

Simplicity is also present in the way we relate to others. A person who has this extraordinary virtue is very respectful of himself and others. You accept yourself and therefore accept others. One goes hand in hand with the other.

Another feature that marks their relationships is their horizontality. Whoever acts simply places the same value on the powerful and the humble. It does not change his personality, nor his way of treating others, depending on who is in charge.

In the same way, simplicity leads us to value the triumphs of others. To feel happy with their achievements and to share their sadness with our hearts. Others see themselves as equals and therefore there is an intrinsic feeling of solidarity with them. Simplicity allows us to understand that we all belong to the human community and that we are unfailingly united by a common bond: humanity itself.

The path that leads to simplicity

Generally we become “stiff” or “complicated” because we allow ourselves to be invaded by fear. Fear of what they will say. Fear of rejection Restlessness to believe that perhaps we should be more, better or more powerful, rich or beautiful. In a word, because we cannot accept ourselves as we are or appreciate the circumstances in which we live.

Surely there is the key to many of our sufferings. Many times we build wrong beliefs about what we are and what we should be. We live more in terms of getting what we don’t have and not enjoying what we do have.

person inside a hand representing simplicity

Simplicity does not mean conformism or passivity. You can have very high goals and still value also everything that has been achieved and what you are. In fact, simplicity helps us walk through life lighter and always move forward in an evolutionary sense.

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