Start The New Year Off Right

Start the new year off right

The year ends. And with him go good and bad times. To open a new year full of progress and motivation, it is good to know how to close the previous year properly. To do this, I propose that we reflect and get started to start another year full of personal successes.

Close the year well

The best way to close a year properly is to remember the good times. And thank them. That is just as important. And those that were not good, remember them from the growth that they have brought you. You have to understand that everything is finite, nothing is eternal. For this reason, after storms, a moment of calm usually arrives, which you have to know how to recognize and enjoy. Therefore, thanks to the problems and difficulties that have arisen along the way, we have been acquiring an apprenticeship. Of the negative moments, let’s stay with the less bad or the good.

After reviewing the previous year, let’s look ahead already having incorporated the tools of everything we learned thanks to adversity. Always with the vision of continuing to pursue goals. And, if you were already chasing them, then focus on staying consistent.

It is very common to set yourself challenges for the new year. For example, going to the gym, acquiring a skill, changing your look, your job, finding a partner, new friends, etc… The proposals are endless, but usually they are only left with thoughts that are not carried out.

The best thing to do would be to think of one or two goals that really matter to us. It is better to focus on fewer things, but dedicate time to them ; no, be signed up for 6 activities, which, in the end, we will end up abandoning. It costs more to achieve several undefined goals at the same time, than to progressively achieve few, which are well defined.

What to do to stay consistent in our goal?

Woman writing new year goals

We can start by writing down those goals that we consider important. And that, in the case of getting them, they would change our life for the better. That is to say, with which we would be happiest. Once written, it would be necessary to argue well what actions we should take to get closer to them.

An exercise that can go very well is to have at hand the photo of what we want to achieve. It is enough with an icon, a symbol, a photograph that exemplifies where we want to go. That will keep the motivation alive and let’s not give up trying.

When motivation is at its highest, the probability of giving up is lower

Woman motivated to receive the new year

If you are clear about something to fight for, nothing usually prevents you from achieving it. People who, even being in jobs that they do not like, manage to get on well, it is usually because they often think about the goal they want to reach. And, therefore, it compensates them for the sacrifice. Hence, although they do not like their work, they see it as the path that will lead them to their desire. And when motivation is high, all the sacrifice they need to make is much more bearable.

So, a good way to stay motivated is to think and dream often about the goal we want, visualizing the goal to be achieved. In addition, if we add, as we have said, a photo of what we want to achieve, it will further reinforce the hope of achieving it.

What motivates a mouse? The cheese. If we put him a little ahead, he will run meters and meters tirelessly until he manages to reach it, what motivates children? If they are given a task or errand giving them some reinforcer (not necessarily a reward), they will surely do it with more desire and strength.

We adults also need our “treat” dose. Being of legal age does not imply that we have to leave our part of childhood aside. What’s more, we need to bring out the inner child that we all carry inside from time to time. If we repress that facet, dissatisfaction will be easy to appear.

What fuels your motivation? What do you want to achieve? Keep it in mind in a photo, look at it often and the probability of giving up will be less. Because seeing what we want so much in an image will give us strength and desire to pursue it.

Let’s usher in a new year full of hopes and dreams. Let us release the negative that does not work and hold on to the constancy of pursuing our goals. Never forget the recipe to achieve your goals: faith + motivation + perseverance

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