Teach The Value Of Effort

Teach the value of effort

Nothing is given in life, luck does not exist, only effort and work. So it is, or so it should always be. Our society has created for us the false dream that by appearing in the media, inventing a character or a strategy, we can be rich and famous in a moment. With all that, unfortunately we have lost the value of the effort, we no longer believe in it.

We think that making a living with effort every day is stupid, and we dream of a lottery based on lies, deception or lack of respect for ourselves or others. Many want that minute of glory that makes them achieve everything in a moment, get material things … 

We want everything in the short term because we savor it faster, but it is true that great successes are cultivated over time.

Effort is dignity

Great men and great women are those who strive tirelessly. They are the ones who spend their lives locked in a laboratory looking for a discovery that will help humanity. Those bakers who get up before the sun to offer us “our daily bread”. Or those doctors who decide to cross borders to help others.

Those reporters who risk their lives to offer testimony of what is happening on the other side of the world; teachers who dedicate their lives to study and offer their knowledge to others; those moms who every day act as a nurse, a psychologist or a friend with their children. All those people who get up every day giving thanks for having a job and earning their bread “with the sweat of their brow.” Those are the great men and women.

Doctor symbolizing the value of effort


Make no mistake, effort is dignity, it is trying to do things better with a smile, wanting to continue fighting day by day, hour by hour and minute by minute, to achieve our dreams; Being aware of the mistakes we make and looking for alternatives, even though that day we have worked twice as hard, that is dignity and effort.

We don’t want to, let’s not dream of imitating those little characters; Let’s not teach our children that things are easily achieved, because everything has a price, and learning that everything is achieved with effort is one of the great lessons we can receive when we are little.

How to educate in the value of effort?

Effort is a value that does not come from birth, but that parents have to teach their children, since it needs training, which consists in the creation of habits and responsibilities, through perseverance.

Mother playing with her son teaching him the value of effort

The value of effort in training a person is essential. By teaching it, other fundamental values ​​such as strength, patience, tolerance or generosity are also transmitted. And the wrong idea is eliminated, that everything comes without doing anything.

In this complicated society that advocates otherwise. How can we instill the value of effort?

  • Don’t do everything to your kids. Let them take on responsibilities commensurate with their age. If you start by teaching them to make an effort in small things, they will be able to do it later, in the face of the great difficulties that life will bring them.
  • Teach him by example. Sometimes actions are more important than words.
  • Help him set realistic goals.
  • Suffering is necessary. Do not raise your child among cotton wool. Learning that suffering and frustration are a part of life will make you more emotionally mature.
  • Help him overcome impatience.
  • Talk to your child and explain why. They will surely understand many things about the value of effort if you help them with your words.


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