Telekinesis: Pseudoscience Or A Real Psychic Ability?

We all remember Luke Skywalker trying to move objects with the power of his mind. Now, does this psychic ability really exist? We analyze it.
Telekinesis: pseudoscience or a real psychic ability?

Telekinesis or psychokinesis defines a supposed psychic ability by which the human being could influence, alter and move physical objects through the mind. Science fiction? Pseudoscience and superstition, as dear Carl Sagan would say? Possibly.

Now , beyond the fact that this topic inevitably takes us back to film scenes like Star Wars and the Jedi, the character of Carrie White in Stephen King’s novel or the character of Eleven in Stranger Things , there is an important detail that we must to consider.

This topic began to attract the attention of scientists throughout the Cold War. More than thirty years of investigations of the most varied in which no evidence could be found that the mind has power over matter. However, today, an interesting possibility opens up.

With the development of so-called neurotechnologies such as Neuralink, figures like Elon Musk show us that, soon, the human being will be able to interact with different devices through the mind. .. and an interface. As Arthur C. Clark once said, sometimes magic is just science that we don’t quite understand yet …

Woman practicing telekinesis with a glass

Telekinesis, what do we know so far?

Telekinesis was first coined in 1914, but it was not until 1934 that parapsychologist JB Rhine began to investigate this phenomenon on an experimental level. Unfortunately, and to this day, it has not been demonstrated that the human being is capable of mentally influencing external objects or events without the use of physical energy.

The truth is that over time the phenomenon of telekinesis or psychogenesis has aroused considerable interest. However, the greatest research boom around this topic emerged especially during the Cold War. Thus, the National Academy of Science, Engineering and Medicine carried out the most remarkable research in the 1980s at the request of the United States Army Research Institute.

The conclusions they reached are the same that are maintained today by the experts. We analyze them.

Why is telekinesis not a sustainable or valid psychic ability?

One of the figures who has investigated the phenomenon of telekinesis the most today is the British physicist John G. Taylor. According to him, at present, there is no physical mechanism that makes psychokinesis possible for the following reasons:

  • Moving objects with the mind would require a new form of highly powerful energy. It would be a kind of “fifth force”, one capable of overcoming the electromagnetic forces that hold atoms together.
  • Telekinesis goes against the established laws of physics such as the second law of thermodynamics, the conservation of momentum, or the inverse square law.
Girl with books flying due to telekinesis

The curious case of Nina Kulagina

Nina Kulagina was one of the best known and most studied figures in the field of telekinesis. He was born in Russia in 1926, at the age of 14 he entered the Red Army and during World War II he was part of the tank regiment. It was during the post-war period, when as a housewife, she began to show something out of the ordinary …

Nina moved objects without touching them. Soon, it began to be studied by a committee of Soviet experts, who subjected it to endless tests and experiments. Her case is one of the best known during the Cold War period, there are even curious black and white recordings in which she could be seen separating the yolks from the whites in eggs submerged in water and moving matches with her mind.

As she explained herself, that ability appeared more intensely when she was angry. After those experiences, she also declared to be exhausted and experience pain in the spine and eyes … Now, finally (and according to her declared) she ended up losing this ability due to storms, whose electrical phenomena diminished that (apparent extraordinary ability).

Now … was Nina Kulagina really a person with telekinetic powers? It is suspected that it was the Soviet Union itself that popularized and manipulated the abilities of women with clear propaganda purposes. ..

Telekinesis will be possible in the future (but through other mechanisms)

If we say at this very moment that telekinesis will be a reality in the near future, many will doubt it. How can we not do it if we have been proving for decades that such an ability is unlikely and defies known physics?

Well, very recently Elon Musk introduced us to his company Neuralink , an organization oriented, neither more nor less, than to develop technology that can create bridges between the brain and the machines. With what purpose? The main one, the medical one: treating blindness, movement problems, neurodegenerative diseases …

Now, the goal is to go further and, of course, challenge many of the things that we take for granted. One of them could be to create autonomous cars that we can drive with our minds. This form of telepathy will be mediated by small interfaces that will allow communication between us and the car’s computer.

Apparently, the psychic and biological universe lacked only the alliance of technology to make a reality something that humans have been dreaming of for decades …

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