The Beauty Of Optimism

The beauty of optimism

It is about two different things although it may not seem like it. It is that optimism does not lead in all cases to express joy, but rather floods the body and mind of that person with inner peace. This is what then provides a serene beauty, which illuminates the face, but also the soul. There are many occasions that can make life happy such as the arrival of a child, marriage, finding love or graduating, however, that does not mean that the person is optimistic, he is only enjoying that moment of happiness that was granted to him ( or that it has deserved).

The difference is always noticeable when life precisely does not smile at us. The moment a tragedy, misfortune or bad news occurs is where the personality of an optimist comes out or that of the pessimist appears who sometimes laughs if things go well. An optimist in this situation will be sad, because he is not a robot, but he will not look desperate, since he will be able to overcome discouragement or abandonment, two characteristics related to ugliness (both external and internal).

We can also say that there are two types of people: those who trust themselves and others and those who live distrusting everyone, including their own abilities or attitudes. The former are pleasant, pleasant, it is a pleasure to talk to them, they are serene, we like them, they have a beautiful personality beyond their physical appearance. The latter are quite the opposite, they do not make us want to chat, they repel us without knowing why, we believe that what they say is false, etc.

Is being optimistic the same as being naive?

Many often confuse these two issues because it is said that the overly optimistic do not see things as they really are. If a person is optimistic because they are wealthy, beautiful, with a good job or training, they will be living in an “invented” reality. As stated above, if something bad happens to you in your perfect life, it is likely that you will stop being that way, you will feel dejected, disappointed, alone, etc.

But returning to the fact of comparing between optimism and naivety, we must say that they may or may not be related. Maybe you see someone who is too confident about the future or what will happen in their job and you think they are very naive, that they do not see things in perspective, that they live in a cloud, etc. It is that his confidence is so great that it makes even the most pessimistic in the world doubt. And that does not mean that they are naive or innocent, but that they see things with another glass.

However, those who are overly optimistic who believe that the doctor will always tell them that they are healthy or that they will cure them of all diseases no matter how serious, for example, will be naive. It would then be more realistic to think that the doctor is great and that he will offer you the best treatment available and that recovery will depend on several factors.

Optimism vs Pessimism

An optimistic person is one who knows how to wait, who thinks, who wishes and who acts accordingly so that everything can be fulfilled. He always imagines the best but at the same time knows how to accept the worst or the unexpected. He has more capacity for action in life’s setbacks because he can see the positive side where others only see desolation, fear, sadness, few opportunities, etc.

Being optimistic when “life is rosy” is too simple, because that time of bliss can end and with it sweep away the feeling. An optimist with all the letters is one who, even after having failed more than once, keeps getting up and looking forward, with his forehead held high and learning from each experience. He knows how to relate what happens to him with what may happen tomorrow.

On the contrary, pessimism appears in many people due to two fundamental issues: the first, because they have difficulty seeing the reality of situations or they cannot solve it as they would like and the second, because there is an internal problem where it is always analyzed with a negative rod, criticism, complaint, disagreement, etc.

Seeing reality in a situation is quite complicated and not everyone has the ability to achieve it. That subjective load always appears that does not allow us to correctly analyze what happens to us, the personal approach can almost never be objective and we do not expect it to be. However, the optimist will be able to see the glass half full and the pessimist the half empty glass, as simple and practical as that.

The optimist’s beauty is reflected in his face or body, also in his way of speaking or addressing others. He radiates a wonderful positivity, which makes everyone feel comfortable around him. It is not aesthetics, but attitude. Practice optimism even in the worst moments of your life and you will enjoy all kinds of benefits, both internal and external.

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