The Slow Movement, A New Approach To Savoring Life

The slow movement is an alternative to the frenetic pace of Western life that advocates taking time to savor every moment.
The slow movement, a new approach to savoring life

Before talking about the meaning of slow , pay attention to the following. In France there is a train that travels at 574.8 km / h. In Japan there is a McDonald’s that promises to serve your hamburger in less than 60 seconds. And in the United States there is a barber famous for making 34 haircuts in an hour. They are facts that, in general, produce admiration. We associate speed with efficiency and productivity.

However, this culture where we want to get everything quickly and immediately, brings with it an increase in stress. We do not savor our food, we do not cultivate the art of doing things well. In other words, we don’t enjoy the trip because we are so focused on getting to our destination.

The result of all this is a hurried life, disconnected from the natural environment and from ourselves. We live in anonymous cities, full of individuals running without knowing where they are going. This is why many people have adopted the Slow point of view .

What is the Slow movement ?

Hand pointing happy face

Slow (slow, in English, opposite to fast , fast) is a movement that proposes taking the time necessary to produce something of quality, enjoy the process and adapt to the natural rhythm of the planet. It originated in the eighties, in protest at the establishment of a fast food restaurant in a historic part of an Italian city.

Thus, this movement began being related specifically to the subject of food, defending the art of producing an original, healthy and delicious dish, instead of standardized dishes. From its inception, the idea was emphasized that eating does not just mean “filling our gas tank” to keep moving forward. Rather, it is a social experience that can and should be enjoyable.

This innovative approach was later adopted by many different groups and has been implemented in various fields. Therefore, what began as an interesting “gastronomic questioning” ended up becoming a whole philosophy of life that offers us an alternative to the wild western rhythm.

Scope of application


Nowadays the fashions change every moment. With mass production, many believe that the quality of popular clothing has dropped so much that they even describe it as ‘disposable.’ Shoes, shirts, pants break after wearing only a few times.

It is increasingly common to find a dress like yours when attending a large event where there will be many people. Therefore, today it is difficult to say that clothing represents an expression of individuality. In a world with such ephemeral dress customs, the Slow approach to fashion focuses on making quality classic pieces that last for years, if not a lifetime.


Boy in a slow home

Unlike the houses within the urban fabric, which all seem to be cut with the same pattern, slow homes allow the person to feel connected with their environment. To achieve this there are a series of recommendations to take into account when building your own slow home .

In the first place, it is very beneficial to make good use of natural light, this allows your body to connect with natural rhythms and your sleep-wake patterns are more appropriate and healthy. On the other hand, open and multifunctional spaces that adapt flexibly to your activities are preferable.

In addition, it is advisable to choose a location close to your workplace. In this way you can go walking, which will help you exercise and enjoy a pleasant walk outdoors.

Slow life

Of all the fields of application, without a doubt, the simplest and most beneficial is the personnel. Adopting the principles of the slow philosophy in your thought patterns will surely change the way you see life. Here are some of them so you can start putting them into practice:

  • Value social relationships and spend time forging a quality bond with those around you
  • Get out of the routine and explore new places and perspectives
  • Stop the rush and enjoy every moment, live with intensity, get involved in your present
  • Practice introspection, get to know yourself and connect with yourself
  • Learn to be calm, serenity, and patience. Start to flow with events and let go of control

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