What Does Our Eye Color Convey?

As various studies reveal, eye color generates different types of sensations. Thus, for example, a brown tone inspires more confidence than a bluish look.
What does our eye color convey?

The eyes are the reflection of the soul ” indicates a very popular saying. Although we cannot scientifically prove anything about this entity, we can say that the gaze transmits a lot of information about our personality and emotions. Even more, there are studies that even tell us about the information that our eye color can transmit.

As we already know, visual transmission is part of non-verbal language. Thus, through our eyes we can realize if we are sick, how it is our personality or whether we are worthy of Confianz a.  It is impressive how much information our eyes hide and also its tonality.

Let’s see what science tells us next.

The information that our eye color transmits

First of all, we will talk about trust and the relationship this feeling has with the eyes. Thus, according to a study carried out at the Charles University of the City of Prague, the tonality of the gaze generates certain types of sensations in others.

According to Dr. Antony Fallone, black eyes evoke mystery, brown eyes denote loyalty on average. Thus, a blue eye color induces, on average, a certain feeling of mistrust. Now, this does not have to do only with the tone of the eyes, but also with the appearance of the face.

Man with blue eyes color

One of the most curious explanations that have been considered dates back to the beginnings of humanity. People with the color blue eyes have a common ancestor, an individual with a strange genetic mutation that lived more than 6 thousand years ago.

Before the mutant’s existence, humans only had brown eyes. According to this theory, it is for this reason that today, we think that a person who has blue eyes is not as trustworthy as one who has brown eyes.

Other research, carried out in Australia, has shown that people with light eyes are considered “less pleasant” and tend to be more competitive in relation to those with dark eyes.

That is, those with brown eyes are linked to generosity, empathy, compassion or kindness. Again, it may be due to that gene that made it possible to create a new eye shade a long time ago.

Eye color and diseases

What is the relationship between health and eye color? The tone of a person’s eyes can indicate if they are at high risk for some serious skin conditions.

  • The University of Colorado, United States, conducted research showing that individuals with light eyes are more likely to have vitiligo, a disease that causes a progressive loss of pigment in the skin and leaves white or pink spots on different parts of the body.
  • Also the color of blue eyes would be closely related to suffering from skin cancer (melanoma). This is because in the vast majority of cases, those with light eyes are also fair in complexion, and UV exposures affect them much more than brunettes (brown-eyed). Obviously there is a scientific explanation for this, since those with fair skin have less pigments to protect themselves from the sun.

Alcohol and sunlight

Although more and more people now wear prescription glasses, the truth is that people with light eyes are more likely to suffer from myopia or astigmatism. But beware, it’s not all bad news for those with light eyes. Since they have the ability, according to several researchers, to see better in dark environments, at night for example.

Woman with glasses and light eye color

As always, this claim has a great study behind it. If we think that people with blue eyes are more abundant in the countries of Northern Europe (Nordic), we can also draw the conclusion that in those areas for some months the sun is almost absent and the days are very short.

  • So light eyes serve to see better in the dark. This may seem absurd, but the truth is that it makes a lot of sense. If, on the contrary, we place people with brown eyes in warmer areas and closer to the imaginary line of the Equator, then we can understand why they are more resistant to heat and the sun’s rays.
  • On the other hand, as revealed in a study carried out by Dr. Jonathan F Bassett, the color of the eyes in certain cases predict the tendency to consume alcohol. Again the blue hue shows a greater tendency to this habit.

As we can see, for science the color of eyes sometimes shows something more than an attractive tonality. It seems that part of our behavior also seems to be reflected (in some cases) in our eyes.

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