Who Is Always There For Everyone Sometimes Also Needs Attention

Who is always there for everyone sometimes also needs attention

There are people who seem like our guardian angels, because they are always by our side to give us their attention and love. These figures make our lives easier not only because they favor the appearance of wonderful things, but because they protect us from the painful.

They give us their love and affection with the intention that we feel appreciated, sheltered and supported when life gets complicated or we feel upset and disappointed with something important to us. They simply “ARE” at all times to put the right word or gesture to the situation.

In addition, those people who are always there for everything and everyone, do not usually fail or allow us to shed tears if they can help it. But what happens when they are overwhelmed by the day to day?

Couple sitting and embracing

The importance of caring for the people who care for us

Let’s think that having the affection and affection of those to whom they dedicate their attention should be a kind of reward. It is extremely important that we show this deference to the affective figures who help us move through life.

They may be our parents, grandparents, siblings, friends, partners, etc. Even a co-worker who always does his best to help us get our work done, have a good day, and improve our mood.

These people sow kindness, support, and affection with their attention without asking for anything in return or demanding recognition. That is why we must at least be by his side and correspond with assistance when he needs it.


Ways to Show Attention, Caring, and Interest

Although we can usually neglect both the ways and the frequency of showing attention, affection and interest towards the people who surround us and love us, we have many ways of doing it.

How? With small details. Large offerings are not needed to make someone we appreciate and who we want to thank for watching out for us feel special. Let’s look at some key points:

  • Do not demand that he do anything, not even that he is aware of you. If he does it, it is because he wants to, not because he has an obligation. Pay attention not to demand directly or indirectly that he does something or does nothing for you.
  • Keep the habit of having daily details with that person whom you appreciate so much: a call with a sincere “how are you”, attentive listening and talking about their experiences and feelings is key to keeping the balance balanced.
  • Be understanding. Sometimes they may not want to listen to you or they may not pay you the attention you are used to. That does not mean that you are unimportant, but that that person is focused on other issues.
  • Show affection as circumstances require and acknowledge the work of “that person who is there for everyone at any time.” They also need to know that they have someone to count on by their side.
give from the heart

Being accommodating and being attentive is very different

Anyway, you have to differentiate between being an attentive person and an excessively accommodating person. Being attentive and careful with others does not violate the principle of freedom and self-determination that one has.

However, living to please others commonly results in a loss of our identity and our freedom to do, be and want what we please at all times. This also encourages the frustration of those who are trying to please, as they will never be able to please everyone.

In this sense, it is very important that we work on our self-esteem and the determination of our desires, thoughts and actions. In view of this, we must follow the norm of well-being, which comes to say that

Girl with a heart in her hand and a leaf

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